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Universal Credit: Extend 20 benefit top-up for a year, say MPs

2021-02-09 02:24:47| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Ministers are urged not to replace weekly Universal Credit increase with a one-off payment next month.

Tags: year say credit benefit


Universal Credit: Labour presses PM for action ahead of benefit vote

2021-01-18 00:19:18| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Labour calls on Boris Johnson to give millions a "helping hand" by extending 20 Universal Credit uplift.

Tags: action credit vote benefit


Emergency Broadband Benefit

2021-01-04 19:21:23| PortlandOnline

A program that aims to keep qualifying Americans online during the pandemic

Tags: benefit emergency broadband emergency benefit


Can Falling US Production Benefit Midstream/MLP Equities?

2020-12-22 22:00:00| OGI

Declining production would seem negative for midstream and MLPs,  but it turns out the markets want what they want.

Tags: production benefit falling equities


Cover crops offer potential grazing benefit for cattle operations

2020-12-17 16:09:00| Beef

There are many factors to consider if using cover crops as a grazing resource.

Tags: offer cover potential benefit


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