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Structural Analyst Expert

2021-01-22 09:12:27| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

Who we are? We are a space company and we try to stretch the boundaries. We are located in the Technology Park in Brno. We have development and administrative offices in the TechNest building. A few meters away are our own ISO 8 laboratories. What do we do? We develop! We start with a sheet of plain and we try to develop the best solution for the European Space Agency ESA. Our main domain is mechanical systems. We also have our own procurement and quality control. We have the components we develop manufactured by proven partners and then we assemble and test them in our laboratories. A complete product leaves us. What are we working on? We supply the upper part of the VEGA rocket. Within six years, we must develop and deliver a module for the Plato satellite, which will travel through deep space in search of Exoplanets. We supply materials and components for the International Space Station ISS. We have also joined the Exomars 2020 mission. But there is much more and we need help, so we are looking for another colleague. What would be expected by us? Static and dynamic FEM analysis of both parts and the entire structure is important, as verification if it can withstand loads, vibrations, and all other pitfalls of the space industry. The Structural Analyst receives a draft from the designers and then checks it using FEM analysis and this is repeated until both the designers and the structural analysts are happy. We are looking for a senior analyst to fit into our team to provide both support to his team members and run analysis on his own. What knowledge and skills should you have Experience with structural analysis, min. 2 years in the space industry Experience with 2D meshing in Hypermesh, Ansa, FEMAP, Patran Experience with SW MSC Nastran,Hypermesh Fluency in spoken and written English Teamworks skills Team leader experience What we can offer you Full Time Contract Constant stimuli to learn and grow professionally Participation in many interesting events Good coffee, couch, and hammock in our social coworking zone A wide range of company benefits eg 100 paid meal vouchers, company phone subsidized tariff, 5 weeks holiday, Sick Days the possibility use the English conversation with us in the company, and much more To be able to participate in technological progress and be part of the space industry

Tags: expert structural analyst structural analyst


Security Expert Common Criteria and Crypto Approval

2021-01-12 19:14:29| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

Position Reference 748 For an exciting Defence related project, we are currently looking for a Security Expert Common Criteria and Crypto Approval to work at our clients premises in the city of Bremen, Germany. Tasks and Activities The scope of work will include Guiding the implementation from the perspective of crypto approval needs with the goal of risk minimization during equipment development. Preparing security analyses on equipment and subsystem level. Preparing crypto concepts. Managing the overall crypto approval process. Supporting on TEMPEST design, analyses and test organization. Organizing the certification after Common Criteria standard. Evaluating the supportsoftware to help on the certification work. Preparing the documents after Common Criteria standard such as security target, threat analyses, development documentation, guidance documentation, definition of formal admission tests. Creating and maintaining a close collaboration with evaluation labs and the national institutes for data security i.e. BSI. Supporting proposals and technical studies. Skills and Experience The following skills and experience are mandatory Doctoral or engineering degree in information technology, mathematics or physics. Proven experience in the area of ITsecurity, approval of crypto equipment or certification after Common Criteria Standard. Experience in the area IT security. Good knowledge in formal definition of secure systems as well as definition of formal security targets according to Common Criteria framework. Good knowledge in the preparation of Common Criteria documents. Good knowledge in support of approval processes for crypto equipment. Competent Common Criteria evaluator. Good communication skills. How to Apply Looking to take your career to the next level? Interested applicants should submit their CV and Cover Letter to RHEAs Recruitment team at careersrheagroup.com no later than 22012021. Preference will be given to candidates eligible for an EU or national personal security clearance at the level of CONFIDENTIAL or above.

Tags: security common expert criteria


Ingnieur Expert Java HF

2020-12-21 17:12:11| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

Nous concevons, intgrons et oprons des systmes critiques et sommes un partenaire privilgi en systmes de commandement et de conduite des oprations, systmes srs industriels ou embarqus, cyberscurit, digitalisation des processus industriels et Data Intelligence. Venez explorez au sein de CS GROUP de nouveaux horizons dans les secteurs de la Dfense de la Scurit, de lEspace, de lAronautique et de lEnergie, et participez la protection des environnements techniques de nos clients, la valorisation de leurs informations stratgiques et lamlioration de leur efficacit oprationnelle. Entreprise technologique et innovante, CS GROUP connait une croissance soutenue sur ses marchs en France et linternational, ce qui vous promet de belles aventures professionnelles ! Au sein de la Business Unit Espace, le dpartement Payload Data Applications regroupe une quipe pluridisciplinaire de 160 Ingnieures aux profils complmentaires mtier, logiciel, systme. Notre dpartement apporte son expertise en tldtection et en traitement dimage satellite, mais aussi sa maitrise dans la conception, le dveloppement et lexploitation de segments sols, sa comptence dans les services et applications valorisant la donne spatiale, et son savoirfaire sur les technologies Big Data et Cloud. Enfin, le dpartement Payload Data Applications est galement un acteur majeur du monde de lopen source grce une forte contribution, et est reconnu pour son expertise dans la gouvernance du libre. Dans le cadre dun projet de valorisation de donnes spatiales, notre dpartement recrute unune Ingnieur Expert Java. Vous rejoindrez une quipe dIngnieurs expriments pour mettre en uvre un systme de stockage, de classification et de diffusion des donnes. Lobjectif tant de pouvoir slectionner des donnes htrognes via des critres de classification standardiss interoprabilit afin ensuite de les rcuprer pour les agrger et apporter une plusvalue en terme danalyse et de traitement. Les enjeux portent sur la prservation des donnes accumules et sur leur valorisation auprs des scientifiques, travers des applications performantes et innovantes. Ainsi les critres de prennit, modularit et gnricit sont essentiels dans la conception et la ralisation du systme. Vous interviendrez ds la phase de conception jusqu la mise en service oprationnelle conception, dveloppement, tests unitaires laide dune plateforme dintgration continue, validation et recette, rdaction de documentation. Ce projet Open source se droule dans un contexte technologique avanc et motivant, o la curiosit technique est ncessaire. Il sappuie notamment sur une architecture oriente microservices. De formation Bac4Bac5 en informatique, vous justifiez dau moins 7 annes dexprience sur un poste similaire. Vous disposez des comptences techniques suivantes Java 1.8, Spring 4 Cloud, Boot, Data REST, Security, Apache, Jetty, PostgreSQL, Elasticsearch, Framework JavaScript ReactJS, Redux. Vous avez galement de bonnes connaissances en architecture distribue REST. Des connaissances en Netflix OSS, standards OGC WMS, WPS, WebGL, Docker sont un atout votre candidature. Vos qualits esprit dquipe rigueur, autonomie, esprit initiative capacit danalyse sens du service client. Nous rejoindre cest Bnficier dun management de proximit Progresser individuellement et collectivement voluer dans un environnement flexible dimension humaine et conviviale. Qui sommesnous ? Depuis plus de 40 ans, la Business Unit Espace de CS GROUP fournit avec succs des systmes cls en main et des services dingnierie pour les marchs de lespace et de ses applications. Avec un effectif de 430 collaborateurs rassemblant des comptences avances et uniques la fois dans les technologies de linformation et lingnierie des donnes spatiales, la BU Espace est un partenaire de confiance majeur et reconnu sur le long terme des agences spatiales et de dfense, des matres duvre et oprateurs de satellites, et des acteurs des applications spatiales. O sommesnous situs ? Notre tablissement se situe Toulouse 6, rue Brindejonc des Moulinais dans le parc de La Plaine et proximit de la Cit de lEspace. Le site est accessible en transports en commun Lino 7, bus 23 et 37. Si vous prfrez, nous vous remboursons les indemnits kilomtriques vlos ! Intresse ? Partagez avec nous votre CV et additionnons nos talents !

Tags: expert java hf java expert


Shopping Online this Holiday Season? Recycle those Cardboard Boxes, Expert Says

2020-12-11 07:00:00| Waste Age

RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA As the coronavirus pandemic continues to surge, a growing number of consumers across the country are shopping online this holiday season a trend that could have severe environmental consequences if packaging materials aren

Tags: online shopping holiday season


Technology Expert L3

2020-11-27 09:12:36| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

Job Description Make a difference everyday. At Serco everyone has an important role to play. Take pride in what you do. What we offer if you join our amazing team Competitive Salary Company events Performance Management International environment Job Introduction At Serco, not only is the nature of the work we do important, everyone has an important role to play, from caring for vulnerable people to managing complex public services. We are a team of 50,000 people responsible for delivering essential public services around the world, we are innovators, committed to redesigning and improving public services for the benefit of everyone. Serco and Proud Make a difference every day. We currently have an exciting opportunity for a Technology Expert, based in Ispra, Italy. Main Responsibilities The postholder will focus support the JRC to carry out scientific and technical works linked with integrated modelling and analysis of waterfoodenergy nexus WEFE4DEV and SENEGAL projects for an optimal management of water resources and the satisfaction of multiples uses. In this context, the JRC has developed the Aquaknow webservice, an online collaborative workspace and content management system dedicated to technical and scientific knowledge management for the sustainable development of the water sector. Knowledge management are key elements in the design and implementation of sustainable water management policies. AquaKnow is a dynamic platform for sharing knowledge on water sector related issues. It is a space for gathering and providing dynamic tools to manage scientific and technical information. The successful candidate will carry out the following tasks The aim of this task is to keep update all AQUAKNOW modules by checking in daily basis and to develop new ones to enhance the features of the web system. To ensure that the ATLAS developments will follow the EC web Standards by monthly checks to guarantee the web system integration by helping developers to write webservices to provide support to the developers in terms of database Postgres and web hosting Geoserver. To create custom modules to ensure software communication between AQUAKNOW and other web systems ATLAS and AQUASURVEY. To design and prepare support material to be addressed to stakeholderexpert on use of the AQUASUREY. To ensure the software quality, risk analysis and security assessment of AQUAKNOW and perform architecture changes. To create new Postgres database and integrated GIS tools in the AQUAKNOW platform aimed at harmonized data collection and support experts working on ACEWATER2 on the development of new functions and data processinganalysing in R. Successful Candidate The successful professional profile should bring background in data structure and web applications design and covering altogether the following skills Deep and proved knowledge in DRUPAL, MySQL and PHP. Deep and proved knowledge in LAMP stack LinuxApacheMySQLPHP Deep and proved knowledge of web application design and development Deep knowledge of writing technical documentation Deep and proved knowledge in software architecture design and business process of information systems by using UML and diagram tools Experience in Agile development Experience in the development and integration of GIS tools and features into DRUPAL content management systems Experience in RESTful web services Experience in Postgres DB Experience in Geoserver Experience in IT Project Management and Quality Experience in working with developing countries institutions Important Any offer of employment is contingent upon you providing documents to verify your identity and employment eligibility, as required by law. Applicants are reminded that they will be requested to produce such documentation during the recruitment process. Please contact a member of the recruitment team if you require further details of acceptable types of documentation required for verification of identity and work authorization. Data Protection When creating a profile on the Serco Career Centre you agreed to the Data Protection policy, a copy is available upon request.You may submit a written request revoking your consent to this agreement at any time.

Tags: technology expert technology expert expert technology


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