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PepsiCo's Lavazza Vanilla Latte and Cold Brew RTDs - Product Launch

2020-06-26 16:55:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

PepsiCo is to release two new iced coffee RTDs in its partnership with Italian coffee company Luigi Lavazza.

Tags: product cold launch vanilla


CME update: lean hog futures firm as cold storage supplies drop

2020-06-24 10:07:00| ThePigSite - Industry News

US lean hog futures rose on 23 June following two sessions of declines.

Tags: update supplies firm storage


Permian Producer Hibernia Resources Sees Major Gains with Cold Bores SmartPAD

2020-06-23 18:09:54| OGI

Hibernia's implementation of the completions optimization system led�to $30,000 saving in reclaimed time and $10,000 per week in reduced downtime on a single pad.

Tags: resources major cold producer


US China cold war 'bigger global threat than virus'

2020-06-21 08:01:43| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Influential economist Jeffrey Sachs also warns the world is headed for a period of "massive disruption".

Tags: china war global cold


Parsley Energy Digitizes Entire Completions Operations with Cold Bores SmartPAD

2020-06-16 19:40:48| OGI

The companys most recent quarterly review data showed a 22% increase in efficiency through several process and technological implementations, including SmartPAD.

Tags: entire energy cold operations


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