Tag: guyana
Exxon Mobil Cuts Guyana Crude Output to Avoid Gas Flaring
2020-06-16 15:09:02| OGI
Output at the Liza FIeld has fallen to between 25,000-30,000 bbl/d within the past week after an issue with gas reinjection equipment, according to the head of Guyanas Environmental Protection Agency.
Guyana Has No Plans to Cut Crude Output Despite Price Drop
2020-05-04 21:58:51| OGI
Mark Bynoe, the director of the Department of Energy, said the countrys crude production averages between 75,000-80,000 barrels per day (bbl/d) and is expected to ramp up to 120,000 bbl/d by early June.
Exxon Mobil Could Delay Third Guyana Project Amid Low Prices, Spending Cuts
2020-04-07 18:17:28| OGI
Payaras startup had been slated for as early as 2023 and was expected to eventually produce some 220,000 barrels per day (bbl/d) of crude, according to Exxons website.
Tags: low
Exxon Mobil: Oil Price Fall Not Impacting Guyana Output
2020-04-03 15:01:39| OGI
Production at the offshore Liza well��is expected to reach some 120,000 barrels per day in its first phase.
Guyana Votes For Leader To Manage Early Years Of Oil Boom
2020-03-03 19:02:20| OGI
Voters in�Guyana�were heading to the polls on March 2 for an election that will decide who oversees an�oil�boom�set to transform the poor South American country, which faces a test of whether it can sustainably�manage�a sudden influx of natural resource wealth.