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Marketed: SandRidge Mississippian Trust II Royalty Package

2020-05-13 20:25:00| OGI

SandRidge Mississippian Trust II retained TenOaks Energy Advisors for the sale of its royalty interests located in Northern Oklahoma and Southern Kansas as part of a planned dissolution of the Trust.

Tags: package trust royalty marketed


CUC named US Cotton Trust Protocol verification partner

2020-05-12 14:15:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

The US�Cotton Trust Protocol has selected Contol Union Certifications North America (CUC) to verify the Trust Protocol annual data that will highlight key sustainability metrics including�water management,�greenhouse gas emissions, and energy efficiency.

Tags: partner trust named cotton


Linux Foundation Leads Initiative for Better Digital Trust

2020-05-05 21:03:46| TechNewsWorld

The Linux Foundation will host ToIP, a cross-industry effort to ensure more secure data handling over the Internet. This new foundation is an independent project enabling trustworthy exchange and verification of data between any two parties on the Internet. The ToIP Foundation will provide a robust common standard to instill confidence that data is coming from a trusted source.

Tags: digital linux foundation trust


Professionalism and Trust

2020-05-01 05:00:00| MANAonline.org

by Jerry Leth, Vice-President and General Manager, MANA Sales are about relationships. Take any sales course today and you learn your purpose is not to get purchase orders but to help customers solve problems. If the customer senses that, they start to trust you and they go on to buy from you. MANA strongly supports […]

Tags: trust professionalism


Trust and purpose will be key purchase drivers post-Covid, fashion industry told

2020-04-30 14:38:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

A new report has warned companies that fail to demonstrate transparency and sustainable practices in their business operations will struggle to gain consumer trust in a post-Covid world.

Tags: key purchase industry purpose


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