Tag: the
MakuluLinux LinDoz Offers Windows Comfort Zone, but It's All Linux Under the Hood
2020-02-07 18:00:00| TechNewsWorld
A new MakuluLinux LinDoz release is pending last-minute finishing touches and is perhaps days away, according to developer Jacque Montague Raymer. It is designed to make using Linux easier than ever. Recently, Raymer discussed the trials and tribulations of advancing his Linux line of distros. He revealed a process that no doubt is similar to what confronts many software developers.
Tags: the
Pork trade tables are turning for the better
2020-02-07 14:01:00| National Hog Farmer
The U.S. pork industry is slowly working back to a level playing field on the global trade market.
Hirdaramani sees sustainability a key pillar of the new normal
2020-02-06 17:49:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from
Sri Lanka is long-recognised as a pioneer in innovation and sustainability, with manufacturing giant�Hirdaramani Group one of those championing the cause.�Group director Nikhil Hirdaramani�believes�this track record will be key�as the world adjusts to�the new normal post-pandemic, with sustainability one of the key pillars of doing business.
Macys Will Be Closing 125 Stores. How Bad Is This News for the Regional Mall Sector?
2020-02-05 21:29:00| National Real Estate Investor
We spoke with Barbara Byrne Denham, senior economist with Moodys Analytics REIS, about the potential impact of the closings.
Which Are the Most Desired Quick Service Restaurants in the Net Lease Sector?
2020-02-05 18:06:00| National Real Estate Investor
Private investors continue to have an insatiable appetite for QSRs. These are the strongest brands in the sector.
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