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Morocco bans UK flights due to Covid cases rising

2021-10-20 15:40:34| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Several airlines have been told by the Moroccan government that flights will be suspended.

Tags: due cases rising flights


China bans British beef again over mad cow disease

2021-10-11 10:31:27| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Beijing has yet to restart importing beef from the UK after agreeing in 2018 to lift a previous ban.

Tags: china british disease mad


Natural Gas Bans Could Cost Americans Trillions: Report

2021-08-20 22:00:00| OGI

Institute for Energy Research�sounded�the�alarm�on a quiet, but pernicious effort to ban�the�use of natural gas in homes and small businesses.�

Tags: report cost natural gas


Legislative proposal bans CAFOs, reinstates MCOOL

2021-07-14 19:03:00| National Hog Farmer

Farm System Reform Act introduced by Sen. Booker and Rep. Khanna would force major changes on ag industry.

Tags: proposal legislative bans reinstates


Legislative proposal bans CAFOs, reinstates MCOOL

2021-07-14 19:03:00| Beef

Farm System Reform Act introduced by Sen. Booker and Rep. Khanna would force major changes on ag industry.

Tags: proposal legislative bans reinstates


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