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US, Italy on track to lose "sizable" number of on-premise outlets - Campari CEO

2020-05-14 14:59:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

The head of Campari Group has warned of a lasting impact from the coronavirus, with�bars and restaurants at the greatest risk of failing to survive.

Tags: number track italy lose


Coronavirus: 'I could be forced to lose a job I love'

2020-05-12 01:01:40| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Short notice from the government about returning to work has caused problems for some.

Tags: i love job lose


Coronavirus: Victims lose thousands to fake puppy and kitten sales

2020-05-05 12:01:26| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Some animal lovers hoping to buy pets during the coronavirus lockdown are being exploited by fraudsters.

Tags: sales thousands lose victims


Sources say Trump Told Saudis: Cut Oil Supply or Lose Military Support

2020-04-30 17:02:13| OGI

President threatened to allow group of senators to push through measure to cut off aid.

Tags: support supply sources cut


India stands to lose $3bn in apparel shipments

2020-04-21 13:39:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

India's apparel industry stands to lose shipments worth more than US$3bn due to order cancellations and delays during the coronavirus pandemic, according to a survey of garment exporters across the country.

Tags: india apparel lose stands


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