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JATO Dynamics: in decline of Euro new car market, electrified vehicles increase share to almost 13%

2020-03-27 10:55:39| Green Car Congress

Tags: to share car market


Operators agree to share anonymised data with EU to help track COVID-19

2020-03-26 01:00:00| Total Telecom industry news

Yesterday, the GSMA announced that eight major European telecoms have agreed to share anonymised mobile phone location data with the European Commission to track the spread of coronavirus.    The aggregation of anonymous data will be analysed to help predict the spread of the virus and help coordinate healthcare responses.   “In the fight against this sanitary crisis…read more on TotalTele.com »

Tags: data share track agree


The Duppy Share launches self-isolation rum kits

2020-03-20 12:37:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

UK-based rum company The Duppy Share has launched a rum kit for consumers who face long periods at home as a result of�the COVID-19 outbreak in the country.

Tags: share kits rum launches


Property Managers Share Best Practices for Office Building Safety Amid COVID-19 Threat

2020-03-19 20:05:00| National Real Estate Investor

Because its uncertain how the pandemic will progress, its critical to plan for a wide range of scenarios.

Tags: office share property building


Senators Boost Pressure On Saudi, Russia Over Oil Market Share War

2020-03-19 15:56:24| OGI

President urged to embargo oil from OPEC and Russia.

Tags: share war market pressure


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