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Saudi Arabia Cuts Oil Prices for Asia, Sources Say

2021-05-06 11:30:00| OGI

Top oil exporter Saudi Arabia has cut the June official selling prices (OSPs) of all crude grades it sells to Asia, sources say.

Tags: say prices sources asia


Petrobras Reopens Bidding for Golfinho Oil Fields, Sources Say

2021-05-05 21:17:22| OGI

Golfinho is one of dozens of legacy production assets that Petrobras is selling to reduce debt and sharpen its focus on the�prolific, deepwater�presalt formation.

Tags: say sources fields oil


OPEC+ Worried by Surge in COVID-19 Cases, Sources Say

2021-04-26 19:40:00| OGI

The OPEC+ joint technical committee�raised its forecast for global oil demand growth in its most recent monthly oil market report while also expressing concern about rising COVID-19 cases in India and elsewhere.

Tags: say cases sources worried


Carbon Tax Vital in Energy Transition, Oil Execs Say

2021-04-07 18:55:00| OGI

While a carbon tax may drive certain desired behaviors during the energy transition, there is no one solution to the worlds emissions woes, say panel of oil industry executives.

Tags: say energy tax oil


Jobless rate around UK airports above average, say MPs

2021-03-01 01:01:42| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

A report by MPs found the number of people claiming jobless benefits was much higher near the top 20 UK airports.

Tags: rate say average airports


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