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Column: Supercycle, what Supercycle? Chinas Commodity Imports Fail to Impress

2021-06-07 16:48:55| OGI

The big post-pandemic rally wasnt.

Tags: column fail imports commodity


Why Drilling Metrics in Marcellus Shale Continue to Impress

2020-10-08 19:00:00| OGI

Over the last 10 years, over 4,000 horizontal wells have been drilled in the northeastern Pennsylvania Marcellus shale play and the results continue to be impressive, says Steve Hendrickson, president of Ralph E. Davis Associates.

Tags: continue drilling impress metrics


Anheuser-Busch InBev fails to impress in hard seltzer bid - analyst

2020-09-03 13:26:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

The hard seltzer category represents�"another missed opportunity" for Anheuser-Busch InBev, an analyst has said, warning that Bud Light Seltzer is a litmus test for the company's entire innovation programme.

Tags: hard bid fails analyst


M&S Q3 clothing and home sales fail to impress

2020-01-09 11:07:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

Clothing sales have once again dived at UK High Street chain Marks & Spencer as the retailer reported its third-quarter trading results to 28 December.

Tags: to home sales clothing


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