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Gnrateur de rapport HF

2016-03-16 13:10:44| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

Avec 1700 collaborateurs pour un chiffre daffaires de 173 millions deuros, CS se positionne parmi les premires socits de services en informatique en France et saffirme comme un concepteur, intgrateur et oprateur de systmes critiques de tout premier plan. Nos clients europens et mondiaux sont dans les secteurs de la Dfense, aronautique, spatial, nergie, transport, secteur public et finance. CS ralise environ 80 de ses projets au forfait. CS est cot sur le march Euronext Paris.Pour travailler sur son offre de produits de scurit des systmes dinformation archivage, horodatage, signature lectronique, , CS propose un stage visant slectionner et intgrer un gnrateur de rapport de type NextReport Engine dans ses services de confiance.Le stagiaire sera intgr lquipe de RD pour Etudier, maquetter et slectionner un outil de type NextReport Engine Intgrer dans les services dhorodatage, darchivage et de signature des rapports permettant de remonter ladministrateur du systme des statistiques de consommation ou de performanceBac4 en informatique, coles dingnieur ou quivalent universitaireDUT stage de fin dtudeComptences techniques langages de dveloppement Java atelier de dveloppement Eclipse Environnement Windows Linux dans lidal, des notions de scurit certificats x509To apply click here

Tags: rapport hf


Building Rapport, Connection with Customers is Key to Better Selling

2013-02-15 19:27:20| AutomotiveDigest.com - Automotive Industry News

One of the first things I say in my skills class is that your goal should not be to become a better salesperson. Your goal should be to learn how to become a trusted advisor. You want the vehicle owner to trust you as someone from whom they seek advice rather than just someone selling them something. I use two triangles to help explain one key to doing this. The triangles represent time spent with the customer. The wide end of the triangle represents maybe 20-30 minutes, while the narrow pointed end represents zero. For most shops, the small end of the triangle is at the top. The customer comes in, and the estimator heads right to the car to get the VIN, production date, etc. They focus on the car, not the customer. They don't stop to build a rapport with the customer. Mike Anderson, a former shop owner who currently operates CollisionAdvice.com, advises dealerships to set their goals on becoming a trusted advisor to their customers, in addition to becoming a better salesman. People do business with people they trust.The Article Building Rapport, Connection with Customers is Key to Better Selling appeared first on Automotive Digest.

Tags: key building customers connection


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