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U.S. pork sees tremendous momentum in Central America

2021-04-20 21:14:00| National Hog Farmer

February exports to region increased 46% from a year ago.

Tags: central america sees tremendous


China defends Xinjiang's "tremendous efforts" on human rights

2020-09-23 15:15:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

China has hit back at allegations over its treatment of Uyghur�Muslims�in Xinjiang by saying its actions in the region are focused on counterterrorism and anti-separatism.

Tags: rights china human efforts


Landfill Mining and Its Tremendous Potential

2020-04-01 10:00:00| Waste Age

How can we prevent waste dumps from affecting our ecosystem? The answer is landfill mining.

Tags: potential mining tremendous landfill


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