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The Ocean Cleanup and The Coca-Cola Company Announce New Partnership

2021-06-07 08:00:00| Waste Age

Coca-Cola Becomes First Global Implementation Partner for The Ocean Cleanups River Project

Tags: company partnership ocean announce


Anchorage Engineer to Recycle Plastic Ocean Debris into Plastic Lumber

2021-05-27 08:00:00| Waste Age

Patrick Simpson of Anchorage wants to try and solve the astronomical costs of lumber and building materials when shipped to his home state of Alaska. His goal: he wants to create artificial lumber from plastic ocean debris. 

Tags: plastic ocean engineer lumber


Tech giants fight 'cloud wars' deep in the ocean

2021-05-25 01:09:26| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

To boost their services, Google and Facebook are investing in undersea cables that span the world.

Tags: tech deep fight wars


Ocean Spray Collaborates with Bryce Corporation for Store Drop-off Recyclable Packaging Solution

2021-05-20 19:07:00| Waste Age

The first Store Drop-off recyclable stand-up-pouch solution for Bryce and Ocean Spray will be available for Ocean Spray Craisins dried cranberries

Tags: store corporation solution ocean


Pandemic-related PPE Adds to Plastic Ocean and Ocean Bound Waste

2021-05-18 13:46:00| Waste Age

The practice of wearing face masks in public has been the norm around the globe for over a year. Worldwide that adds up to usage of roughly 129 billion face masks and 65 billion gloves every month, estimates the Centre for Environmental and Marine St

Tags: plastic waste bound ocean


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