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Iceland challenges supermarket rivals to publish 'plastic footprint'

2020-09-16 11:28:50| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

The frozen-food chain publishes its own packaging record to encourage progress on sustainability.

Tags: plastic challenges publish iceland


ICASA to publish invitations to bid for high-demand spectrum and wireless open access network by 30 September

2020-09-04 10:04:00| Telecompaper Headlines

(Telecompaper) The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) has declared that the Invitation To Apply (ITA) for both the Wireless Open Access Network (WOAN) and the International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) spectrum, also known as high-demand spectrum, will be published no later than 30 September.

Tags: september open access network


ExxonMobil, Georgia Tech and Imperial College London publish joint research on potential breakthrough in membrane technology for oil refining

2020-07-18 11:55:37| Green Car Congress

Tags: research technology college potential


Glenroy and FPA publish LCA report

2020-05-13 18:37:57| Label and Narrow Web Breaking News

The study compares environmental impact of premade STANDCAP Pouches instead to rigid plastic bottles.

Tags: report publish fpa glenroy


LR and UMAS publish techno-economic assessment of zero-carbon fuels for shipping

2020-04-21 11:56:11| Green Car Congress

Tags: shipping assessment publish fuels


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