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US Oil Production Wells Up after COVID Price Crash

2020-07-27 15:25:00| OGI

Oil production in the U.S. is expected to stabilize at about 11 million bbl/d after recovering from a low in June.

Tags: price production oil crash


Shale Drillers Squeezed as Banks Tighten Credit after Oil Crash

2020-07-02 11:10:00| OGI

So far in the spring season of redeterminations, the total borrowing base for three dozen publicly listed North American oil companies has been slashed by $7.5 billion, according to a Reuters analysis.

Tags: credit oil banks crash


BEEF readers reeling from COVID Crash

2020-06-03 17:25:00| Beef

BEEFs 2020 State of the Industry survey shows producers are singing the coronavirus blues.

Tags: readers crash beef reeling


Permian Basin Gas Pollution Halves in Upside of Oil Crash

2020-06-01 15:00:00| OGI

Fall in crude oil demand leads to temporary environmental respite as flaring declines in the prolific Permian Basin.

Tags: gas oil crash pollution


Champagne poised for COVID-19 sales crash - forecast

2020-05-29 16:13:32| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

Trade organisation�the Comit� Interprofessionnel du Vin de Champagne (CIVC) has warned that�Champagne sales this year are set to tumble, with around US$2bn expected to be lost in 2020.

Tags: sales crash forecast champagne


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