Tag: japan
Britain and Japan sign post-Brexit trade deal
2020-10-23 10:53:30| BBC News | Business | UK Edition
The countries formally sign a deal described by the UK's international trade secretary as "ground-breaking".
Japan to Release Contaminated Water into Ocean
2020-10-20 08:00:00| Waste Age
In 2011, Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc. suffered multiple nuclear meltdowns after both an earthquake and tsunami. Almost a decade later, the Japanese government will release nearly 1.2 million tons of contaminated water into the ocean. S
Tags: japan
Japan resists US calls for blanket ban on Chinese telecoms tech
2020-10-16 02:00:00| Total Telecom industry news
Back in August, the US State Department expanded what it calls the ‘Clean Network’ initiative, a far-reaching network security strategy that would see Chinese companies almost unilaterally banned from US networks. Athe time, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was pushing allied countries to adopt a similar “Clean fortress” strategy…read more on »
Tags: japan
'Five Eyes' nations, India and Japan renew demand for backdoor access
2020-10-13 10:50:00| Telecompaper Headlines
(Telecompaper) The 'Five Eyes' international pact of nation states (US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand) plus India and Japan have published a new letter calling on tech companies to give law enforcement agencies access to their encrypted products. The international statement warning of the dangers of encryption was signed by top justice officials at the 7 countries and warned that growing numbers of end-to-end encrypted apps "pose significant challenges to public safety." In 2018, the�'Five Eyes' countries issued a similar memo�calling on companies to build backdoors into their encrypted products.
NEC wins contract for subsea link from Chile to Japan
2020-10-13 02:00:00| Total Telecom industry news
A deal was finalised earlier in the summer to build a new subsea link between Chile, Japan and Australasia. The proposed Trans-Pacific route will more than 8000 miles from Chile connecting with existing cables between Japan and Australasia…read more on »
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