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Item 392 Declare surplus real property at five Water Bureau locations and request authorization to dispose of the properties

2021-05-21 18:32:35| PortlandOnline

PDF Document, 4,549kbCategory: Current Agenda & Pending Items

Tags: the of real item


Item 289 Declare Gateway Green Park Sliver Parcel property surplus real property

2021-04-23 19:04:20| PortlandOnline

PDF Document, 615kbCategory: Current Agenda & Pending Items

Tags: real item property park


JanSport Launches Backpack Line Made with 100% Surplus Materials

2021-04-13 08:00:00| Waste Age

JanSport Reinforces Commitment to Sustainability With Eco-Conscious Collection

Tags: made line materials launches


British Airways sells off bowls to bedding as it shifts surplus stock

2020-11-23 14:08:40| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

The airline is selling thousands of items, including memorabilia from its retired 747 aircraft.

Tags: stock british sells shifts


Winnipeg Harvest Welcomes $414,133 of Food From Food Banks Canada, Representing Manitobas Share of Their Government of Canada Surplus Food Grant Program

2020-08-25 09:00:00| Waste Age

Winnipeg Harvest is glad to hear Food Banks Canada (FBC) was selected to disseminate quality surplus food throughout their established, national distribution system, in partnership with the food banking network across Canada. Thanks to their existing

Tags: program canada share food


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