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Bacardi lines up rum and music console in UK at-home push

2020-11-18 11:45:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

Bacardi has released a record player and integrated bar for its namesake rum brand in the UK as it looks to tap into the at-home drinking trend.

Tags: music lines push console


Why copying gin's template for growth risks doing rum a grave disservice - comment

2020-10-26 10:50:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

Cross-pollination among spirits categories offers scope for innovation-led growth for brand owners. Indeed, this is a well-trodden path with many success stories. However, category commentator Richard Woodard believes rum brands must be way more selective in who they choose to ape if they're ever going to get rum to recognise its long-expected potential.

Tags: comment growth template risks


Diageo partners with artists in Captain Morgan Sliced Apple Spiced Rum US push

2020-10-21 13:29:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

Diageo has lined up a number of tie-ups with street artists and content creators as it looks to promote a new Captain Morgan extension in the US.�

Tags: partners artists apple push


Ex-Pernod Ricard executives team up with Market Row Botanical Rum - Rum in the UK data

2020-10-12 14:58:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

Two former Pernod Ricard executives have reunited away from the company to bring a 'botanical rum' to market in the UK.

Tags: data team uk market


Destileria Serralles updates name and packaging for Don Q Gran Reserva XO rum

2020-10-02 17:44:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

Destiler�a Serrall�s has changed the name of the Gran Aejo expression in its Don Q Puerto Rican rum portfolio to Don Q Gran Reserva XO.

Tags: don updates gran packaging


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