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Austria: Former finance minister Grasser jailed for corruption

2020-12-05 00:30:56| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

The court said Karl-Heinz Grasser received kickbacks in return for information on property sales.

Tags: finance austria minister corruption


Fifth Generation switches Tito's Handmade Vodka distribution in Austria - vodka in Austria data

2020-10-27 14:09:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

Fifth Generation has lined up a new distribution partner for its Tito's Handmade Vodka brand in the Austrian market.

Tags: in data distribution generation


A1 Telekom Austria to deliver TV channels to Asia for TRACE

2020-10-07 11:00:37| Digital TV News

TRACE has chosen A1 Telekom Austria Group to deliver TV channels TRACE Urban and TRACE Sport Stars to cable and IPTV operators within the wide footprint of the APSTAR-7 satellite at 76.5° East.

Tags: asia austria channels deliver


Austria completes 5G frequencies auction for EUR 202 mln

2020-09-14 08:31:00| Telecompaper Headlines

(Telecompaper) In total 1,702 out of 2,100 poorly or not at all supplied communities will receive mobile broadband coverage by 2027, under the commitments attached to the new spectrum licences. Magenta Telekom will supply 615 communities, Hutchison Drei 739 and A1 349.�

Tags: eur austria auction frequencies


Ten carriers in Germany and Austria choose Ocilion for IPTV

2020-08-10 17:00:07| Digital TV News

Ten more carriers, in Germany and Austria, are now using Ocilion's IPTV solution. Ocilion is delivering the entire IPTV system including software, services, content packages, VOD, STBs as well as apps for mobile devices.

Tags: germany choose austria carriers


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