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OSIsoft, Tendeka Partner to Streamline Data Flow for Reservoir Monitoring

2020-07-15 15:27:17| OGI

Tendeka, an independent global completions service company, said July 15 it has joined the�OSIsoft�EcoSphere, a collection of more than 300 industrial leaders that provide products, applications, and services for the�PI system.

Tags: data partner flow monitoring


Schlumberger Introduces Symphony Live Downhole Reservoir Testing

2020-07-01 15:53:59| OGI

The technology platform enables well-testing control to deliver real-time downhole measurements.

Tags: live testing introduces reservoir


Experts: No Reservoir Damage for Production from Shut-In Shale Wells

2020-06-15 18:00:00| OGI

Panelists agreed there are, however, exceptions. And costs could run from thousands to millions of dollars depending on services needed to restart production.

Tags: production damage experts wells


Colorado School of Mines Researchers Unveil Reservoir Characterization Study Results

2020-05-25 21:00:00| OGI

Research from this years Colorado School of Mines Reservoir Characterization Program includes a field project in the Eagle Ford Shale conducted in Gonzales County, Texas.

Tags: results school study colorado


Book Review - Quantitative Geosciences: Data Analytics, Geostatistics, Reservoir Characterization and Modeling

2020-05-02 17:11:41| Oil IT Journal - www.oilit.com

Zee Ma's monster (640 page) work sets out to fill the gap between quantitative and descriptive geoscience analysis for reservoir characterization with a systematic 'integrative' approach. While recent data-driven approaches are included, QG adopts essentially a mathematical and first principles approach. The fairly heavy mathematical content is balanced by Ma's erudition and insights that run through the work. Ma argues that in-depth domain knowledge and first-class statistical know-how will trump the naive 'data-science' approach.

Tags: data review book analytics


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