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Swedish regulator delays 5G auction start after court injunction regarding ban on Huawei

2020-11-10 09:49:00| Telecompaper Headlines

(Telecompaper) Swedish communications regulator PTS said the Stockholm administrative court has granted an injunction against the condition for auctioning 5G frequencies in the 3.5 GHz and 2.3 GHz bands that prevented Huawei from supplying equipment for the new standard of network. The regulator said it has informed the qualified mobile operators that the auction due to start on 10 November will not go ahead on that date. PTS will continue to analyse the court ruling and look at ways to begin the auction as soon as possible.

Tags: on start court auction


Rottne F20D the Swedish Beast

2020-11-09 14:09:16| Industry Product and Service Suppliers | Latest Listings

Again, we are turning our eyes towards a sturdy forwarder. This time it�s a Rottne F20 D that�s in focus. A loading capacity of 20 tons makes this machine one of the largest forwarders on the market. Rottne Rottne Industri AB is a family-owned company located in the south of Sweden. All production of the […] The post Rottne F20D the Swedish Beast appeared first on Forestry.com.

Tags: swedish beast


Swedish watchdog announces 5G auction shortlist, excludes Huawei and ZTE from suppliers

2020-10-20 09:31:00| Telecompaper Headlines

(Telecompaper) Swedish communications regulator PTS said it has approved Telia, 3 Sweden, Teracom and the Net4Mobility joint venture by Telenor and Tele2 to participate in the auctions for 5G spectrum in the 3.5 GHz and 2.3 GHz bands. The 3.5 GHz auction is due to start on 10 November. Huawei and ZTE may not be used as equipment providers.

Tags: from auction suppliers swedish


Swedish Company Envac Sees Pneumatic Trash Tubes as the Future of City Garbage Collection

2020-10-08 08:00:00| Waste Age

Imagine it: Residents walk their trash to a set of chutes, which may be built into their apartment buildings or on the street near their doors. Food waste goes down one chute, destined for a facility that turns it into biofuel. Recyclables go down a

Tags: company city future collection


Swedish govt provides SEK 1.40 bln more broadband subsidies in 2021, reaching SEK 2.85 bln by 2025

2020-09-17 09:46:00| Telecompaper Headlines

(Telecompaper) Swedish communications regulator PTS has announced the provision of an extra SEK 1.40 billion in funding for broadband in 2021, bringing the total sum available for distribution up to and including 2025 to SEK 2.85 billion. The announcement follows the government's budget proposal for next year.

Tags: swedish reaching broadband sek


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