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Ikea Is Trying to Follow in the Footsteps of Sears Roebuck in Building its Own Mixed-Use Centers. What Are its Chances of Success?

2020-09-14 06:47:00| National Real Estate Investor

The retailers shopping center arm just bought a building in downtown San Francisco. Its on the lookout for more of the same.

Tags: of its what follow


Huaweis chances in Israel slipping away

2020-08-19 02:00:00| Total Telecom industry news

As one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world, Israel has taken its time when it comes to 5G.   After initially being postponed at the end of last year, last week Israel finally awarded its telcos 5G frequencies, following an auction which saw spectrum in the 700, 2100, and 2,600–3,800 MHz bands…read more on TotalTele.com »

Tags: israel chances slipping huaweis


Weighing Eight Co-Working Operators' Chances of Surviving the Pandemic

2020-08-07 22:12:00| National Real Estate Investor

Which co-working operators look likely to survive COVID-19 and which might be on their way out?

Tags: the chances surviving weighing


Coronavirus: Chances of getting a loan or mortgage are squeezed

2020-07-16 13:56:36| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Lenders say they will reduce the availability of mortgages, loans and other credit despite demand rising.

Tags: or loan mortgage chances


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