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Tag: produces

Twelve produces first batch of E-Jet fuel from CO2 electrolysis; partnership with USAF; electrifying fuel, not planes

2021-10-19 16:55:44| Green Car Congress

Tags: not partnership fuel twelve


Repsol produces renewable hydrogen from biomethane from urban solid waste

2021-10-11 11:55:37| Green Car Congress

Tags: solid urban waste produces


Monash/Hokkaido team produces diesel blend fuel via CO2 hydrogenation in methanol over new catalyst

2021-10-08 13:55:38| Green Car Congress

Tags: team fuel produces diesel


Vulcan Energy produces first battery-quality lithium hydroxide from Zero Carbon Lithium pilot operations

2021-09-27 11:55:39| Green Car Congress

Tags: energy operations pilot carbon


Mount Sinai Study: UV Exposure Produces Epigenetic Changes to Induce Skin Pigmentation

2021-09-03 14:59:42| Happi Breaking News

New research on the role of the Polycomb complex.

Tags: study skin mount exposure


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