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Utilizing Retired GoM Platforms to Achieve ESG Goals

2021-10-18 18:00:00| OGI

Research shows abandoned offshore oil platforms can be repurposed for a multitude of purposes including carbon capture and storage.

Tags: achieve goals retired platforms


UN Sustainable Transport Conference calls for accelerated action to achieve net-zero emissions

2021-10-18 10:55:51| Green Car Congress

Tags: action transport conference achieve


Chips&Media IPs achieve 1 billion cumulative shipments milestone

2021-08-12 08:39:04| Digital TV News

August 9, 2021 Chips&Media has achieved 1 billion cumulative shipments of ICs containing its multimedia IPs. Chips&Media has launched numerous video codec hardware IPs since its establishment in 2003.

Tags: achieve billion ips cumulative


How Manufacturers and Waste Management Companies Can Achieve a Circular Economy

2021-08-12 08:00:00| Waste Age

The global human population produces close to 800 billion pounds of plastic each year, with a majority coming from single-use plastics. A new report from the Plastic Waste Makers Index has revealed 20 companies are responsible for producing more than

Tags: management companies achieve economy


Undressing Textile Waste to Achieve Circularity (WasteExpo 2021)

2021-07-22 17:20:00| Waste Age

Progress over the past 5 years textile circularity is now firmly on the sustainability agenda; reuse and recommerce is scaling and becoming more socially acceptable; brand and industry commitments indicate their potential willingness to adopt impor

Tags: achieve waste textile circularity


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