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A1 Telekom Austria to deliver TV channels to Asia for TRACE

2020-10-07 11:00:37| Digital TV News

TRACE has chosen A1 Telekom Austria Group to deliver TV channels TRACE Urban and TRACE Sport Stars to cable and IPTV operators within the wide footprint of the APSTAR-7 satellite at 76.5° East.

Tags: asia austria channels deliver


Statistics: nonwoven fabric production in Asia, 2020

2020-10-01 02:00:00| Apparel & textile industry market research - from just-style.com

This report includes statistical data and analysis of nonwoven fabric production in Asia for the period 2010-19, and provides detailed data for China, India, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan.

Tags: production statistics asia fabric


Asia sees first regional recession in 60 years

2020-09-15 07:39:09| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

The region's economy will shrink 0.7% in 2020 but rebound next year, says the Asian Development Bank.

Tags: years regional asia sees


China lags as Asia rivals see�US apparel imports rebound in July

2020-09-07 15:34:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

US apparel imports rose month-on-month in July as retailers continued to reopen stores and resume business following closures imposed to try to halt the spread of the coronavirus. Yet year-on-year the data paints a very different picture, with shipment volumes overall down by more than one-fifth - including a 35% drop for largest supplier China - while Bangladesh and Vietnam stand their ground.�

Tags: july china asia apparel


Asia Pacific to add 200 million SVOD subscribers

2020-09-07 02:00:25| Digital TV News

According to Digital TV Research, Asia Pacific will have 467 million SVOD subscriptions in 2025, up from 267 million in 2019. China will contribute 279 million SVOD subscriptions in 2025 60% of the total.

Tags: add million asia pacific


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