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Big Data Analyst Spatial data and remote sensing domain

2021-08-19 10:13:49| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

At Serco, we strive to promote and enable the diversity, development, wellbeing and safety of our people. We understand that healthier, happier employees go handinhand with strong business performance, enhanced productivity and better outcomes for those we serve. We want everybody who works for Serco to have a positive experience and access to opportunities to develop in their chosen careers. The Joint Research Centre JRC is the European Commissions science and knowledge service which employs scientists to carry out research in order to provide independent scientific advice and support to EU policy. As subcontractor, Serco Italia S.p.A. is currently looking for a Big Data Analyst Spatial data and remote sensing domain to join our great team in Ispra VA! Does working in a Serco environment sound appealing to you? We would love to hear from you and your interest in this new job opportunity! Does this vacancy not suit your profile? Not to worry, you can send your updated CV to careers.italyserco.com a member of our Recruitment Team will come back to you shortly after. Package Description Joining Serco Italys amazing team offers Competitive Salary Great career opportunities in the Space industry Competitive Salary Corporate Benefits Package Exciting relocation package if applicable Company events International environment Main Responsibilities Are you looking to secure a career in a public sector environment? We would love to hear from you! As Big Data Analyst Spatial data and remote sensing domain you will be responsible for Design and develop new information systems to detect the water status of vegetation using satellite retrievals to be used as benchmark for the QAQC of Copernicus products Design and develop information systems to assess the interplay between climate variables from the Copernicus services and satellite retrievals of surface properties. Utilize cloud and highthroughput computing to perform data analysis and modelling on large datasets of satellite and climate data. Work as technical interface between the project leader and developers. Participate in working groups with scientists and developers to optimize th design and development of the information system in order to translate scientific advances from machine learning and remote sensing in the field of the monitoring landclimate interactions in the ACP regions. Visualize and explain work through presentations and notebooks, present findings in an accessible way to science and product teams. In return, we offer a friendly, supportive and professional environment that respects your worklife balance and ultimately contributes to the delivery of public services in Italy and around the world. Successful Candidate You need experience in the area of spatial data, remote sensing of vegetation, bigdata analytics. We are looking for candidates with ideally between 3 and 11 years of experience. General expertise Specialist in the design and development of information systems for processing large datasets of vegetation and climate parameters from remote sensing. Experience in the design of applications related to remote sensing of the land surface vegetation, climate data, and geospatial data. Expertise on modelling tools applied to large dataset of Earth system data. Ability to give technical presentation and prepare highlevel technical documents. Capability of working in an internationalmulticultural environment and working in a team. Specific expected expertise Experience in designing information systems and workflows for bigdata analysis. Expertise in data analysis and modelling with design of of information systems in Mathlab, Python or R. Experience in data analysis of a variety of satellite data types thermal, optical, with high spatial and temporalresolution and with multitemporal gridded datasets e.g. climate data from reanalysis. Experience of data modelling with a variety of machine learning techniques, like regression trees. Proficiency in writing quality code. Good debugging capabilities are an advantage. Good knowledge in production of technical documentation and presentations. Ability in working in a heterogeneous and structured IT infrastructure, with remote resources and using various protocols. Excited to tackle difficult research questions, selfstarter with ability to work within a fastpaced and rapidevolving team and project. Capability of integration in a multiculturalmultilingual research working environment is expected. Fluency in the English language, both spoken and written, is required. Important Any offer of employment is contingent upon you providing documents to verify your identity and employment eligibility, as required by law. Applicants are reminded that they will be requested to produce such documentation during the recruitment process. Please contact a member of the recruitment team if you require further details of acceptable types of documentation required for verification of identity and work authorization. Data Protection When creating a profile on the Serco Career Centre you agreed to the Data Protection policy, a copy is available upon request.You may submit a written request revoking your consent to this agreement at any time. About The Company Why should you join Serco ? At Serco not only is the nature of the work we do important, everyone has an important role to play. Meaningful and vital work Youll contribute to methodologically intercepting challenges whilst achievements will also be recognised and celebrated. A world of opportunity Youll be wholeheartedly supported with development and career progression Great people Youll become an integral member of a welldefined and supportive team who believe passionately in the value of our work. What we offer Chance to contribute to innovation in the public services sector A company passionate about diversity and inclusion Permanent employment with comprehensive Serco Benefits package. Pension About Serco At Serco, not only is the nature of the work we do important, everyone has an important role to play when managing complex public services. We are a team of 50,000 people responsible for delivering essential public services around the world, we are innovators, committed to redesigning and improving public services for the benefit of everyone. By joining Serco you will have unlimited access to our Global Employee Networks SercoInspire Gender, SercoEmbrace Multicultural, SercoUnlimited Disability and InSerco LGBT Networks. Serco Employee Networks, led by colleagues who are passionate about diversity, inclusion and belonging. Apply Please click on the apply button to be taken to our careers website Serco is a Disability Confident Employer committed to employing and retaining people with disabilities. Disabled applicants who meet the minimum criteria for the job will be given the opportunity to demonstrate their abilities at an interview.

Tags: data big domain remote


Toyota subsidiary Woven Planet Holdings acquires spatial AI company CARMERA; scalable, next-generation mapping

2021-08-18 13:55:38| Green Car Congress

Tags: company planet toyota subsidiary


Chef de projet dans le domaine spatial

2021-08-10 09:14:53| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

The selected candidate for this position will be responsible for managing space projects according to the mandates entrusted to him by the head of the space department. Tasks Participation to the initial offer regarding technical, management and financial aspects Global management of the project including internal and external reporting Management of customer relationship monthly reporting Establishment and monitoring of the schedule Monitoring and control of costs according to the objectives Definition of the necessary resources material and human according to the objectives set by the department management and by the customer Monitoring of compliance with customer requirements throughout the project technical, contractual, managerial compliance Preparation and leading of contractual project reviews PDR, CDR, MRR, TRR, PTR, DRB Participation to preparation of project documentation data packages, EIDP Internal monitoring of project progress management of actions and priorities Supervision and coordination of activities related to the different phases of the project supply, design, manufacturing, tests and validation Identification and management of risks Skills Engineering or university degree in electronics physics, with proven experience in managing space projects of at least 5 years Strong technical skills, rigor, high quality work Ability to organize, synthesize and manage a project team Ability to work in a team on multidisciplinary projects Excellent communication, customer oriented and ability to manage conflicts Adaptability, responsiveness, availability and stress resistant You have a good knowledge of Microsoft Office Word, Excel, Microsoft Project, Visio Languages The candidate must be able to work effectively in English. French the company internal language is also necessary.

Tags: dans chef projet domaine


Ingnieur Dveloppeur en traitement dimages pour segment sol spatial HF

2021-04-09 13:13:43| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

Nous concevons, intgrons et oprons des systmes critiques et sommes un partenaire privilgi en systmes de commandement et de conduite des oprations, systmes srs industriels ou embarqus, cyberscurit, digitalisation des processus industriels et Data Intelligence. Venez explorez au sein de CS GROUP de nouveaux horizons dans les secteurs de la Dfense de la Scurit, de lEspace, de lAronautique et de lEnergie, et participez la protection des environnements techniques de nos clients, la valorisation de leurs informations stratgiques et lamlioration de leur efficacit oprationnelle. Entreprise technologique et innovante, CS GROUP connait une croissance soutenue sur ses marchs en France et linternational, ce qui vous promet de belles aventures professionnelles ! Au sein de la Business Unit Espace, le dpartement Payload Data Applications apporte son expertise en tldtection et en traitement dimage satellite, mais aussi sa maitrise dans la conception, le dveloppement et lexploitation de segments sols, sa comptence dans les services et applications valorisant la donne spatiale, et son savoirfaire sur les technologies Big Data et Cloud. Enfin, nous sommes galement un acteur majeur du monde de lopen source grce une forte contribution, et sommes reconnu pour notre expertise dans la gouvernance du libr e. Dans ce cadre, nous cherchons renforcer nos quipes avec une Ingnieur Dveloppeur en traitement dimages pour segment sol spatial. Pourquoi nous avons besoin de vous Vous serez implique sur tout lcosystme du segment sol, de la phase de conception jusqu la mise en service oprationnelle design, dveloppement, tests unitaires, CICD, validation et recette, rdaction de la documentation oprationnelle. Votre mission consistera Participer activement aux dveloppements du primtre technique confi Coordonner les dveloppements techniques avec les membres de votre quipe Rechercher les solutions techniques les mieux adaptes latteinte des objectifs du projet Proposer des optimisations de code et mthodes algorithmiques Rdiger la documentation des diffrents travaux raliss. Qui tesvous ? Ingnieure de formation ou diplme dun titre quivalent universitaire Bac5, vous justifiez dau moins 3 ans dexprience sur un poste similaire. Vous disposez des comptences techniques suivantes Maitrise du langage C et Python Maitrise de lenvironnement Linux Connaissance en traitement dimage satellite Connaissance des mthodes de corrections radiomtriques et gomtriques de limage. Vos qualits esprit dquipe autonomie et esprit dinitiative capacit danalyse. Qui sommesnous ? Depuis plus de 40 ans, notre business unit fournit avec succs des systmes cls en main et des services dingnierie pour ses partenaires de confiance que sont les agences spatiales et de dfense, les matres duvre et oprateurs de satellites, et les acteurs des applications spatiales. O sommesnous situs ? Notre tablissement se situe Toulouse et est accessible en transports en commun. Si vous prfrez, nous vous remboursons les indemnits kilomtriques vlos ! La suite des vnements Magali et Marion, nos Charges de recrutement, traitent votre candidature ds rception. Bonne nouvelle ! Celleci nous intresse nous vous contactons pour un premier change tlphonique. Si celuici est positif, un Responsable oprationnel prendra le relais avec un entretien technique. Enfin, vous rencontrerez lune de nos recruteuses lors dun entretien RH. A lissue de cette rencontre, nous nous engageons vous faire un retour dans un dlai maximal de 2 semaines. Ce poste ne correspond pas tout fait vos attentes ? Vous pouvez utiliser loption candidature spontane en cliquant sur le lien suivant httpscs.jobs.netfrFRjoin Nattendez plus, partagez votre CV et additionnons nos talents !

Tags: pour sol segment spatial


Ingnieur Logiciel embarqu spatial HF

2021-03-10 12:11:29| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

Nous concevons, intgrons et oprons des systmes critiques et sommes un partenaire privilgi en systmes de commandement et de conduite des oprations, systmes srs industriels ou embarqus, cyberscurit, digitalisation des processus industriels et Data Intelligence. Venez explorez au sein de CS GROUP de nouveaux horizons dans les secteurs de la Dfense de la Scurit, de lEspace, de lAronautique et de lEnergie, et participez la protection des environnements techniques de nos clients, la valorisation de leurs informations stratgiques et lamlioration de leur efficacit oprationnelle. Entreprise technologique et innovante, CS GROUP connait une croissance soutenue sur ses marchs en France et linternational, ce qui vous promet de belles aventures professionnelles ! Au sein de la Business Unit Espace, le dpartement On Board Software dveloppe les logiciels bords des satellites avec comme fait darme notable la fourniture des logiciels plateforme, le cur des satellites, de toute la gamme Myriade du CNES. Cette expertise procure CS GROUP une place majeure dans le petit monde de la soustraitance en logiciel embarqu spatial. Dans ce cadre, nous cherchons renforcer nos quipes avec une Ingnieur Logiciel embarqu confirme. Vous participerez au dveloppement de logiciel de vol pour satellites, ce qui comprend tout ou partie des activits dingnierie qui suivent la spcification dtaille la dfinition des tests TU, TI et validation le codage en C et les tests unitaires le test au sens large criture des procdures de test, excution des tests et dpouillement soit sur des outils ddis type RTRT soit sur des frameworks maison bass sur des technos Python, Robot Framework, sur banc tout numrique, hardware ou mixte. Qui tesvous ? Ingnieure de formation ou diplme dun titre quivalent universitaire Bac5, vous avez au moins 3 ans dexprience professionnelle en logiciel embarqu. Votre champ de comptences langages C et Python. La connaissance de TCL et C est un atout votre candidature. langage de conception UML architecture des applications tempsrel embarque sur baremetal ou sous RTOS concept des RTOS, BSP programmation bas niveau drivers bus, programmation microprocesseur ARM, LEON, utilisation de sondes JTAG, debug exprience en dveloppement et rutilisation de logiciels et validation. La connaissance de la mthode Agile est un atout votre candidature. Vous serez amene travailler au sein dune quipe soude et professionnelle de relles capacits dcoute et de communication seront le garant de votre intgration. Qui sommesnous ? Depuis plus de 40 ans, notre business unit fournit avec succs des systmes cls en main et des services dingnierie pour les agences spatiales et de dfense, les matres duvre et oprateurs de satellites, et les acteurs des applications spatiales. O sommesnous situs ? Notre tablissement se situe Toulouse et est accessible en transports en commun. Si vous prfrez, nous vous remboursons les indemnits kilomtriques vlos ! La suite des vnements Magali et Marion, nos Charges de recrutement, traitent votre candidature ds rception. Bonne nouvelle ! Celleci nous intresse nous vous contactons pour un premier change tlphonique. Si celuici est positif, un Responsable oprationnel prendra le relais avec un entretien technique. Enfin, vous rencontrerez lune de nos recruteuses lors dun entretien RH. A lissue de cette rencontre, nous nous engageons vous faire un retour dans un dlai maximal de 2 semaines. Nattendez plus, partagez votre CV et additionnons nos talents !

Tags: spatial logiciel hf ingnieur


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