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Scholastic: This ranch mom rejects your anti-beef message for kids

2020-05-15 23:39:00| Beef

Students are being spoon-fed lies about beef production in an effort to guilt-trip and scare them into vegetarianism.

Tags: message kids mom ranch


For general PBOT questions, call our main line at (503) 823-5185. Leave a detailed message. Customer service staff are busy returning calls throughout the day.

2020-03-31 23:57:48| PortlandOnline

Tags: the service day general


San Jose, Calif.s Recycle Right Campaign Sends Clear Message

2020-03-26 09:00:00| Waste Age

The citys Recycle Right campaign aims to improve recycling practices and includes multiple tactics such as social media ads and community events.

Tags: message clear san jose


A message to our community partners

2020-03-18 01:43:41| PortlandOnline

Tags: community message partners


Mary Barras Message to Young Female Engineers: Get into Math & Science

2020-02-20 19:12:02| AutomotiveDigest.com - Automotive Industry News

strong> Mary Barra implores young women to get into Engineering degrees Focus is on Math and Science GM is hiring female engineers every day The Article <a href="https://fortune.com/2017/01/10/barra-gwc-detroit"></a> <img src="https://automotivedigest.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Mary-Barra-450x260.jpg" alt width="450" height="260" class="size-medium wp-image-203140"> <strong><span style="Font-size:150%;">Mary Barras Message to Young Female Engineers: Get into Math & Science </span></strong> appeared first on Automotive Digest.

Tags: message science young female


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