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Goto Energy goes bust amid rising gas prices

2021-10-18 17:17:30| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Its collapse takes the number of customers affected by energy company failures to more than two million.

Tags: prices energy gas rising


'China + Vietnam + many' is still the go-to strategy

2020-11-25 18:05:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

Even prior to the life-changing event that is Covid, there was a real buzz around moving production out of China, with many US brands�mulling a shift closer�to - or even on -�home turf, amid rising concerns around trade wars and forced labour. But where are they at with those thoughts now?

Tags: the still china strategy


Lever Style realigns as the "go-to supplier" for digital brands

2020-02-11 13:14:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

Fuelled by new investment from its recent listing on the Hong Kong stock exchange, fashion supply chain manager Lever Style is realigning its business model to be the product engine for rising e-commerce brands - as executive chairman Stanley Szeto explains.

Tags: digital style brands supplier


Introducing Fancy Face by Go-To Skincare

2020-01-28 14:59:00| Happi Breaking News

All-natural cruelty-free products with no synthetics.

Tags: face introducing goto fancy


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