Tag: java software
Senior Java Software Engineer
2021-01-21 23:11:29| Jobs RSS
Vyoma is a young Smart Space venture active in the field of automation of satellite operations. Within a few years only, we will operate our own satellite constellation. In the meantime, we are setting up our webbased services helping operators around the world. Our team is international and diverse, keeping an informal and friendly atmosphere at work. Now we are looking for reinforcement in our Munich offices with a Senior Java Software Engineer. As part of our agile software team, your responsibilities are to design and develop a scalable, responsive and webbased platform for satellite missioncritical operations to be involved in the full software lifecycle, making sure shortterm requirements are met while laying the basis for our longterm vision to produce efficient, documented and tested code and actively seek to improve the user experience of our services. You bring a BSc in Computer Science or similar and 3 years of experience as a Software Engineer MSc in Computer Science is a plus experience with the entire agile software development lifecycle, from planning up to deployment and maintenance experience in microservices architecture is a plus experience with Java EE, Spring or comparable frameworks, RESTful web services, MongoDB and Git experience with Azure or AWS, Apache Kafka, Docker and Kubernetes, and CICD the willingness to familiarise yourself with space industry standards CCSDS, ECSS excellent English skills, and good communication skills a mindset to be an integral part of a full stack team. We believe that our employees are key to the success of Vyoma, that is why we want you to grow fast and assume greater responsibility soon communication is crucial, that is why we maintain flat hierarchies work should not trump private life, that is why we offer 30 days of holidays, parttime home office and flexible working hours effort should be compensated appropriately, that is why we offer a competitive salary, a virtual stock option, a private pension plan, gym subscription and transportation allowances.
Tags: software
Java Software Engineer mwd
2020-10-30 10:12:08| Jobs RSS
We are the first choice European aerospace company for softwarecentric engineering solutions. We combine 40 years of experience in a market, where trust and quality are needed. With more than 350 employees in Germany, we craft the future of aerospace and beyond together. Our staff plays a key role in our success through their qualifications, motivation, enthusiasm, different cultural backgrounds and their sense of collaboration in an open international environment living our values trust, integrity, participation, color, and curiosity. We are committed to crafting a diverse environment and is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. All qualified individuals will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, disability, age, or veteran status. We offer a wealth of benefits to support a balanced worklife balance, including but not limited to mobile working and encouraging career development. Summary Objective You love Java? Is it pointless to motivate you to get up in the morning, because you have problems going to bed in the first place being busy doing great things with Java? You cant wait to develop and apply your skills every day? You like simplicity and doing things right? You want to be part of an international team that share their knowledge and aspire to be the best ? Responsibilities Duties Develop great software in Java that you and your company can be proud of. Show everyone what you are capable of, disseminate knowledge and learn with others. Praise openly successes of your colleagues and get praised for your own successes. Criticize openly and discuss bad design patterns and code smell nothing gets pushed under the carpet. Criticize openly management inefficiencies that waste your time and keep you away from coding again, nothing gets pushed under the carpet. Grow professionally, grow the company and be rewarded as a code junkie and technical guru no need to get manager in the job title and only develop stuff in Microsoft Office Qualifications Experience University degree in software engineering or similar. Essential Skills Good software development background including Motivated and driven, flexible and open, high potential Objectoriented design Java SE Software version control using Git Good command of the English language written and spoken Desirable Skills Any higherlevel Javabased framework such as e.g. Java EE, Spring, OSGi Apache ServiceMix, Karaf, CXF, ActiveMQ, Camel, Eclipse RCPRAP Software development for the Linux platform XMLXSD Space andor Aviation domain knowledge Further Details Requirements Applicants should be EU nationals or at least be eligible to work in the EU. The CV shall be provided in Europass format, ideally listing which technologies have been used on which projects. Your Benefits of joining us By joining the Telespazio family, you will enjoy all the benefits of a competitive salary in a sustainable work environment, flexible working time models, diverse advancement and training possibilities for technical, language and soft skills, a generous holiday package as well as a company pension scheme. Furthermore, we support you with your relocation. Through our wide network, we can also support your partner in finding a job at your new work location. Application Are you equally inspired by our visions and dreams? Get in touch with us today and send us your application! Your HR Contact for this position is Raphael Rossato.
Tags: software
software engineer
Software Architect Java mwd in der Raumfahrt
2020-10-16 14:11:20| Jobs RSS
Stellenbeschreibung Wo warst Du, als die ersten Galileo Navigationssatelliten im Orbit Ihren Dienst aufgenommen haben, oder die europische Sonde Philae auf einem Kometen gelandet ist? Wo wir waren, knnen wir Dir verraten mittendrin. CGI ist einer der TOP 5 IT Consulting Dienstleister weltweit. Wir untersttzen unsere Kunden mit zuverlssigen Systemen, innovativen Lsungen und qualifizierten Experten bei der Planung und Durchfhrung von nationalen und internationalen Raumfahrtmissionen. Zu Deinen Benefits zhlen ein Mobiltelefon, guter Kaffee und ein modernes brandneues Office in Bochums Hightechviertel Mark 517. Flexibles Arbeiten, die offenen Tren Deiner Kollegen und das Du sind selbstverstndlich. Wenn auch Du zuknftig mit dabei sein mchtest, dann komm zu uns und untersttze unsere Project Teams in dem Geschftsbereich SPACE am Standort Bochum als Software Architect Java mwd fr die Raumfahrt. Aufgaben Als Teil eines jungen und motivierten Teams bernimmst Du eine verantwortungsvolle Aufgabe im Rahmen der Entwicklung und Wartung von Entwicklungsprojekten im RaumfahrtUmfeld in enger Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Kunden. Bei Deiner Ttigkeit nutzt Du moderne Methoden der Softwareentwicklung, wobei Dir nachhaltiges Design und eine hohe Qualitt Deiner Software wichtig sind. Als erfahrener Entwickler und Architekt designst und implementierst Du ganze Softwarekomponenten zgig und selbstndig gem der Kundenanforderungen. Zu deinen weiteren Aufgaben zhlen Definition von internen und externen Schnittstellen Dokumentation Design, User Manual Coaching von weniger erfahrenen Projektmitarbeitern Auswahl geeigneter Technologien und 3rdparty Produkte Unit Tests Untersttzung bei Angebotserstellungen Verbesserung der Softwareentwicklungsprozesse Qualifikation Leistungsbereitschaft und Leidenschaft fr die Realisierung von komplexen Softwareentwicklungsprojekten in einem agilen Umfeld sind uns besonders wichtig. Du solltest zustzlich folgende Skills mitbringen Ein abgeschlossenes FachHochschulstudium der Informatik, Physik, Elektrotechnik, Mathematik oder ein vergleichbares Studium Einschlgige Erfahrung als Java Software Entwickler und Architekt Fundiertes Wissen in der Java Backend Programmierung Erfahrungen mit Frameworks und Datenbanken Erfahrung mit Maven, SOAP, TestNG, Linux, JavaScript, Angular von Vorteil Offene und strukturierte Herangehensweise an neue Problemstellungen Teamfhigkeit Bereitschaft einer Sicherheitsberprfung Gute Deutsch und Englischkenntnisse Die Zukunft der IT neu gestalten im starken Konzern. Auergewhnliche Zeiten fordern uns heraus. Der digitale Wandel schreitet voran und CGI untersttzt und begleitet seine Kunden auf diesem Weg. Dabei bieten wir eine Vielzahl neuer Mglichkeiten innerhalb der Digitalisierung und der IT von Morgen. Bei CGI macht Arbeit und Erfolg haben Spa. Denn wir bringen Menschen, Prozesse und Technologie zusammen. Wir wollen nicht nur unsere Auftrge erfllen, sondern auch unsere Kunden erfolgreich bei ihrem Wandel begleiten und sie immer wieder begeistern. Dass uns beides regelmig gelingt, verdanken wir in erster Linie unseren motivierten Kollegen. Die Identifikation mit unserer Unternehmensphilosophie zeigt im tglichen Miteinander, was das Arbeiten bei CGI so auergewhnlich macht. Es ist Zeit, Teil unseres Erfolgs zu werden und mit anderen etwas zu bewegen werde Member bei CGI! Mehr Informationen zu CGI unter To Apply Please apply directly via the following link
Tags: software
Java Software Engineer mwd
2020-09-30 12:10:09| Jobs RSS
We are the first choice European aerospace company for softwarecentric engineering solutions. We combine 40 years of experience in a market, where trust and quality are needed. With more than 350 employees in Germany, we craft the future of aerospace and beyond together. Our staff plays a key role in our success through their qualifications, motivation, enthusiasm, different cultural backgrounds and their sense of collaboration in an open international environment living our values trust, integrity, participation, color, and curiosity. We are committed to crafting a diverse environment and is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. All qualified individuals will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, disability, age, or veteran status. We offer a wealth of benefits to support a balanced worklife balance, including but not limited to mobile working and encouraging career development. Summary Objective You love Java? Is it pointless to motivate you to get up in the morning, because you have problems going to bed in the first place being busy doing great things with Java? You cant wait to develop and apply your skills every day? You like simplicity and doing things right? You want to be part of an international team that share their knowledge and aspire to be the best ? Responsibilities Duties Develop great software in Java that you and your company can be proud of. Show everyone what you are capable of, disseminate knowledge and learn with others. Praise openly successes of your colleagues and get praised for your own successes. Criticize openly and discuss bad design patterns and code smell nothing gets pushed under the carpet. Criticize openly management inefficiencies that waste your time and keep you away from coding again, nothing gets pushed under the carpet. Grow professionally, grow the company and be rewarded as a code junkie and technical guru no need to get manager in the job title and only develop stuff in Microsoft Office Qualifications Experience University degree in software engineering or similar. Essential Skills Good software development background including Motivated and driven, flexible and open, high potential Objectoriented design Java SE Software version control using Git Good command of the English language written and spoken Desirable Skills Any higherlevel Javabased framework such as e.g. Java EE, Spring, OSGi Apache ServiceMix, Karaf, CXF, ActiveMQ, Camel, Eclipse RCPRAP Software development for the Linux platform XMLXSD Space andor Aviation domain knowledge Further Details Requirements Applicants should be EU nationals or at least be eligible to work in the EU. The CV shall be provided in Europass format, ideally listing which technologies have been used on which projects. Your Benefits of joining us By joining the Telespazio family, you will enjoy all the benefits of a competitive salary in a sustainable work environment, flexible working time models, diverse advancement and training possibilities for technical, language and soft skills, a generous holiday package as well as a company pension scheme. Furthermore, we support you with your relocation. Through our wide network, we can also support your partner in finding a job at your new work location. Application Are you equally inspired by our visions and dreams? Get in touch with us today and send us your application! Your HR Contact for this position is Raphael Rossato.
Tags: software
software engineer
Java Software Engineer mwd
2020-08-21 17:11:18| Jobs RSS
We are the first choice European aerospace company for softwarecentric engineering solutions. We combine 40 years of experience in a market, where trust and quality are needed. With more than 350 employees in Germany, we craft the future of aerospace and beyond together. Our staff plays a key role in our success through their qualifications, motivation, enthusiasm, different cultural backgrounds and their sense of collaboration in an open international environment living our values trust, integrity, participation, color, and curiosity. We are committed to crafting a diverse environment and is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. All qualified individuals will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, disability, age, or veteran status. We offer a wealth of benefits to support a balanced worklife balance, including but not limited to mobile working and encouraging career development. Summary Objective You love Java? Is it pointless to motivate you to get up in the morning, because you have problems going to bed in the first place being busy doing great things with Java? You cant wait to develop and apply your skills every day? You like simplicity and doing things right? You want to be part of an international team that share their knowledge and aspire to be the best ? Responsibilities Duties Develop great software in Java that you and your company can be proud of. Show everyone what you are capable of, disseminate knowledge and learn with others. Praise openly successes of your colleagues and get praised for your own successes. Criticize openly and discuss bad design patterns and code smell nothing gets pushed under the carpet. Criticize openly management inefficiencies that waste your time and keep you away from coding again, nothing gets pushed under the carpet. Grow professionally, grow the company and be rewarded as a code junkie and technical guru no need to get manager in the job title and only develop stuff in Microsoft Office Qualifications Experience University degree in software engineering or similar. Essential Skills Good software development background including Motivated and driven, flexible and open, high potential Objectoriented design Java SE Software version control using Git Good command of the English language written and spoken Desirable Skills Any higherlevel Javabased framework such as e.g. Java EE, Spring, OSGi Apache ServiceMix, Karaf, CXF, ActiveMQ, Camel, Eclipse RCPRAP Software development for the Linux platform XMLXSD Space andor Aviation domain knowledge Further Details Requirements Applicants should be EU nationals or at least be eligible to work in the EU. The CV shall be provided in Europass format, ideally listing which technologies have been used on which projects. Your Benefits of joining us By joining the Telespazio family, you will enjoy all the benefits of a competitive salary in a sustainable work environment, flexible working time models, diverse advancement and training possibilities for technical, language and soft skills, a generous holiday package as well as a company pension scheme. Furthermore, we support you with your relocation. Through our wide network, we can also support your partner in finding a job at your new work location. Application Are you equally inspired by our visions and dreams? Get in touch with us today and send us your application! Your HR Contact for this position is Raphael Rossato.
Tags: software
software engineer