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Florida Landfill Sees Spike in Traffic, 750K More Pounds of Trash�

2020-04-28 14:18:00| Waste Age

WFLA News 8 recently reported that the stay-at-home order that has us cooking, organizing and renovating has caused a spike in the amount of garbage being taken to landfills. Polk County, Fl. has seen a 30 percent surge in visits to the landfill and

Tags: of florida traffic pounds


Cotton prices unlikely to spike but sourcing costs might

2020-04-14 13:35:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

Cotton prices are unlikely to spike in the economic recovery that follows the current coronavirus crisis - but garment sourcing costs may see significant upward pressure, a new forecast suggests.

Tags: might prices costs cotton


Turkey textile makers see orders spike on coronavirus fallout

2020-03-02 13:48:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

Turkish textile manufacturers are reportedly dealing with an influx of orders on the back of the Chinese coronavirus outbreak.

Tags: orders turkey makers textile


Coronavirus: UK pharmacies see sanitiser sales spike

2020-01-31 16:28:27| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

As the public buy hand cleansers and wipes, the experts say soap and warm water are best

Tags: sales spike pharmacies sanitiser


Online searches for activewear see spike in New Year

2020-01-08 15:58:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

Lyst, the global fashion search platform, has revealed searches for activewear items have jumped 59% since the beginning of the year as consumers look to meet New Year's fitness resolutions.

Tags: new online year searches


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