Radio Navigation Engineer
2020-10-19 13:14:57| Jobs RSS
Summary An exciting opportunity for an experienced Radio Navigation Engineer to join the Telespazio VEGA UK team, working on customer premises, supporting many navigation projects. Objective To provide support to the Navigation Project teams, specifically design, testing and verification of Radio Navigation equipment and simulation tools. Responsibilities Duties The successful candidate will be involved in the design and analysis of radio navigation systems, with an emphasis on system architecture and performance, the detailed specific tasks include Supporting GALILEO System level engineering activities, covering requirements engineering, maintenance of System Technical Requirements Baseline, assessment of baseline evolutions DCPsDCNs, and assessment of contractors Deviations and Waivers. Participating in studies and simulations for the assessment of system endtoend functionalities and performance for Galileo in particular. Contributing to Systemlevel Reviews. Supporting the update of interface documentation, ensuring coherence with the segments. Supporting the monitoring of industrial contracts for the development of radio navigation tools and equipment and studies on radio navigation, including generating technical requirements and statements of work and reviewing relevant documentation. Candidates must be EU citizens, eligible for security clearance from their national security administration. Qualifications Experience Masters degree or equivalent in the fields of Telecommunications and Signal Processing, or Electrical Engineering. Experience with GNSS and GALILEO systems and equipment and have good knowledge of Radio Navigation processing, simulation and testing systems. Essential Skills Strong knowledge on the design of satellite navigation systems, ranging and positioning techniques, RF and microwave systems, navigation system mission monitoring, and GNSS processing facilities. Knowledge of payload engineering and platform systems. Experience relevant with the GNSS and GALILEO systems and equipment and good knowledge of Radio Navigation processing, simulation and testing systems would be a strong advantage. Specialist in the implementation, maintenance and operation of complex Radio Navigation processing, simulation and test facilities for spacecraft, aircraft, maritime and land mobile applications. Knowledge on EGNOS Overlay System including the extension to GALILEO support and associated integrity functions familiarity with SafetyOfLife systems familiarity with Advanced RAIM ARAIM techniques and with RTKPPP techniques. Familiarity with authentication and encryption techniques that could be relevant to expected GALILEO OSCS evolutions in these domains. Qualities Good English language skills Good organisational and communication skills Able to manage and coordinate complex technical discussions with diverse groups to achieve target goals within a compressed time [ more ]
Tags: navigation
radio navigation
Category:Transportation and Logistics