Tag: india
Memjet inks first DuraFlex partner in India
2020-01-06 16:58:00| Label and Narrow Web Breaking News
Monotech Systems has utilized the Memjet technology to drive the Jetsci ColorAqua hybrid label printing press.
Tags: partner
Nan Liu Enterprises Building Site in India
2020-01-06 13:10:00| Nonwovens Industry Breaking News
Production to start later this year
Tags: site
Bill Paves Way for Global Ship Recycling in India
2020-01-03 09:00:00| Waste Age
The bill requires ship recyclers to maintain adequate measures for emergency preparedness and response, safety, health, training and welfare of workers.
Yarn Price Comparison: China vs. India and Pakistan (Weekly Report)
2020-01-02 20:10:47|
Cotton prices are rising on the international market, supporting yarn prices on the domestic markets. Polyester prices are now declining in China, whereas viscose is in free fall with yarn prices following the sam trend. Our yarn comparison report offers a comprehensive view of the 30s and 32s carded yarns, in China, India, and Pakistan, in local currency and US$ terms every week over the last 12 months. 100% cotton, 100% polyester, and 100% viscose are being covered with all data available for download.
Tags: price
India ready to start 5G trials, allows Huawei to participate
2020-01-02 09:41:00| Telecompaper Headlines
(Telecompaper) India's telecom minister has met with the major mobile operators and invited them to start testing 5G services. The government also confirmed that Huawei would be allowed to participate in the trials.
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