Tag: digging
Digging into Single-use Plastic Legislation in California
2021-09-22 14:35:00| Waste Age
Two billss related to single-use plastics AB 1276 and AB 962 have passed the California assembly and are now on Governor Newsoms desk for consideration. AB 1276 is designed to reduce plastic pollution from single-use food and beverage accessor
Tags: california
UK telecoms industry digging like never before for connectivity victory
2021-06-23 02:00:00| Total Telecom industry news
The UK is rolling out fibre at a thunderous pace, with the telecoms sector spurred forward by the government’s ambitious targets of 80% gigabit-capable broadband coverage by 2025 and its accompanying £5 billion strategy. Now, extent of the UK’s fibre rollout is becoming apparent…read more on »
Tags: industry
Digging for a Buried Bitcoin Treasure
2021-01-25 07:00:00| Waste Age
James Howells, an IT worker in the UK, believes that a hard drive he threw away in 2013 contains 7,500 bitcoins, worth approximately $275 million dollars. Howells has offered his local municipality, Newport in south Wales, $70 million to dig it up.
Tags: treasure
Digging into the data goldmine
2020-12-03 19:21:25| The Webmail Blog
Digging into the data goldmine nellmarie.colman Thu, 12/03/2020 - 12:21 � Many organizations today are sitting on large volumes of data and theyre looking to turn that data into actionable insights. But most of the data they collect simply goes unused. This unused data, known as dark data, comprises more than half of the data collected by companies. For businesses aiming to increase the usability of data collected, what steps should they be taking? If the nirvana is to have your systems make automated predictions and decisions based on analytics, how do you reach this promised land? In the latest episode of the Cloudspotting podcast, three data experts join hosts Alex and Sai to break down the complex topic of utilizing data in your organization. Tune in to hear about the following: How businesses are using data and its predictive qualities The data journey from infrastructure to data science Using data lakes and data warehouses Data accessibility across a whole organization How the cloud combats data inertia � Mark�McQuade,�Practice Manager of Data Science & Engineering at Rackspace Technology, discusses the first step for organizations on their data journey. Businesses have all this data, whether it be from IoT, social media or on-premises databases. The data is all there, but untapped, meaning they dont know what to do with it. From a high level, the first step in a data journey, in my opinion, is getting into a data lake. A data lake is one central location to store all of your data in its raw format. You dont have to transform that data in any way before putting it in that spot. Then you can start building on it and making those data-driven decisions. Alex Galbraith, Senior Manager of Solutions Architecture at Rackspace Technology, explains the impact of cloud on the data space. Cloud made a huge impact. People talk about data gravity, which is always a bit of a misnomer for me. I think its more like data inertia, and the cloud has made that go away. Ben Morgan-Smith, Consulting Data Architect at Rackspace Technology, reveals how big data could start influencing conversations in real-time. Where the whole big data world starts to get mind-blowing is when you can have specific machine-learning-initiated insight that allows you to influence real-time interactions with your customers. Then the power becomes quite scary. And this is where you start having to think about ethics just as much as you do about technology. � � Digging into the data goldmineYour business is sitting on an untapped data goldmine. But how do you transform your organization into a mining machine?Make the most of your organization's data. to the podcast Data ServicesProfessional Services - Data ServicesCloud InsightsChris SchwartzDigging into the data goldmineDecember 3, 2020Teaser FlagBlog
Were Digging Deep: Willamette River Crossing Geotechical Probe Begins this Week
2020-07-24 22:06:04| PortlandOnline
Word Document, 1,202kbCategory: 2020