Tag: chemistry
IndustryVoice: Green Chemistry Company Is in Its ESG Element
2021-10-12 21:00:00| OGI
As pressure mounts for oil and gas companies to implement ESG polices, one company is highlighting the importance of chemistry.
Tags: company
Good Chemistry Partners with Terracycle to Create Nationwide Perfume Packaging Recycling Program
2021-10-05 20:11:00| Happi Breaking News
Consumers can send in Good Chemistry packaging including, rigid plastic caps and glass to be recycled for free.
Tags: good
Atmospheric Chemistry Calibration Validation Engineer
2021-09-08 17:12:52| Jobs RSS
Position Reference 1030 We are currently looking for an Atmospheric Chemistry Calibration Validation Engineer to work at our clients premises in the city of Darmstadt, Germany. Tasks and Activities The scope of work will include Contribute to CalVal activities that will be performed during development, prelaunch, commissioning and routine operations in support of the UVVisNIRSWIR spectrometer missions. Prepare algorithm configuration parameters and calibration key data parameters for the Day 1 product processing, that will be the basis for the commissioning and validation activities. Contribute to prelaunch verification and validation activities during Acceptance and Delivery Reviews. Contribute to product verification and validation activities during commissioning and contribute to the preparation of commissioning reports. Consolidate instrument parameters and calibration methodology. Develop inhouse validation routines, procedures and tools under the offline Technical Computing Environment TCE, with access to the repository of operational mission and auxiliary data. Execute CalVal campaigns that support Level 1 and Level 2 product assessment and further algorithm correction and development. Define and setup proxy data and reference datasets. Provide technical support to the development, implementation, maintenance and evolution of the UVVisNIRSWIR spectrometer CalVal functions in the EUMETSAT ground segment. Perform code cleanup and numerical optimisation of the CalVal processing functions as required. Test, assess and ensure code stability and exception handling for the CalVal processing functions. Install, setup and test validation tools from external parties as requested. Implement evolutions and upgrades in the relevant processing functions as a result of evolving user requirements or changes in instrument performance. Contribute to endoflife test campaigns for relevant missions. Develop, produce and evaluate regular production, quality and CalVal monitoring reports from the operational CalVal functions. Perform offline analysis of operational Level 1 and Level 2 product quality. Contribute to the contact with users and relevant Satellite Application Facilities to obtain their feedback on product and service quality. Skills and Experience The following skills and experience are mandatory University degree in physical remote sensing, meteorology, oceanography, physics, ITComputational Science, or equivalent. Very good experience in scientific software development. Good written communication skills. Skills in writing scientifictechnical documents. Familiarity with Microsoft Office suite and LaTeX. At least 3 years of experience in the field of physical remote sensing in one or more of the areas listed above, including involvement in processing of satellite data up to level 1 calibrated geolocated radiances andor level 2 geophysical parameters, and satellite data monitoring. Experience in remote sensing from UVVisibleNearInfraredShortwaveInfrared UVVisNIRSWIR spectrometers. Very good skills in highlevel programming languages, such as Python, C, Java, DBSQL. Experience with source code management processes in particular branch based development workflows, and peer code reviews and tools git, subversion. Familiarity with NetCDF, XML. Fluency in commandline use on LinuxUnix platforms. Fluency in English, both written and spoken. The following skills would be assets Experience with the specification, development and validation of satellite data processing chains. Utilisation of products from earth observation satellites. Experience with calibration and product validation methods. Experience in software unit, acceptance, system and integration testing. Familiarity with programming platform tools like Matlab. Knowledge in radiative transfer. Experience in the use of image processing software such as IDL or ENVI in a UNIXLinux environment. Experience in the use of Scripting Languages e.g. Perl, Python, shell. Experience in scientific computing using NumPy and SciPy. Familiarity in manipulating analysis and forecast data from NWP models. How to Apply Looking to take your career to the next level? Interested applicants should submit their CV and Cover Letter to RHEAs Recruitment team at no later than 01102021. Preference will be given to candidates eligible for an EU or national personal security clearance at the level of CONFIDENTIAL or above.
Tags: chemistry
NYSCC Celebrates 75 Years of Leadership in Cosmetic Chemistry
2021-07-22 15:52:21| Happi Breaking News
This years theme is Embracing Beauty.
Tags: years
Specialized Chemistry Increases Sustainability of Traditional Hydraulic Fracturing
2021-06-21 22:00:00| OGI
Newparks brine-tolerant stimulation fluids allow�the utilization of saltier fracking water without operational or environmental problems.�
Tags: traditional