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Covid: February redundancy plans fall despite lockdown

2021-03-26 01:03:00| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Data obtained by BBC News shows the labour market is frozen as the furlough scheme continues.

Tags: february fall plans redundancy


China's tech giants fall under regulator's pressure

2021-03-16 06:17:46| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

Tencent saw $62bn wiped off its valuation while Alibaba may have to sell some of its media assets.

Tags: fall tech pressure giants


Oil Production in Permian Basin Could Fall Due to Bidens Policies: Dallas Fed Report

2021-03-04 22:15:00| OGI

The�Dallas Fed�report also cautioned that oil refineries and chemical facilities on the Gulf Coast would need to adapt to losing barrels from the Permian Basin due to possible policy changes on federal lands made by Biden.

Tags: report due fall production


Asia-Pacific pay TV revenue to fall over next five years

2021-02-26 13:00:00| Digital TV News

Pay-TV revenue in Asia-Pacific will drop from $61.6bn in 2020 to $60.8bn in 2025 due to a slowdown in pay-TV household penetration, a continued decline in Cable TV subscriptions and falls in ARPU, according to GlobalData.

Tags: years pay fall revenue


Exxon Mobils Total Reserves Fall after COVID-19 Oil Price Drop

2021-02-25 14:58:42| OGI

Total reserves for all products fell to 15.2 billion barrels at the end of 2020.

Tags: total price fall oil


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