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Uncertainty prevalent in soil carbon markets

2021-07-28 21:45:00| National Hog Farmer

While initial focus is on carbon sequestration, other opportunities also exist with immediate climate benefits.

Tags: markets carbon soil uncertainty


Soil and Water Do Mix in 21st Century Oil Industry

2021-07-20 19:00:00| OGI

John Robitaille, CEO of Encore Green Environmental, explains how partnering with agriculture to economically treat produced water could improve the carbon footprint of oil and gas producers.

Tags: water industry century oil


Earth Day: The 5 principles of soil health

2021-04-21 22:54:00| Beef

Ranchers play a pivotal role in maintaining wildlife habitat, promoting soil health, caring for natural resources and providing food for a hungry planet.

Tags: day health earth principles


Rust Belt Riders Turn Cleveland-Area Food Waste into Soil

2020-12-08 12:11:00| Waste Age

Clevelanders Daniel Brown and Michael Robinson started Rust Belt Riders in 2014. Back then, it was just the two of them and their bicyclespicking up food waste and composting it for local farms and community gardens. Now, the company employs 10 peo

Tags: food turn waste soil


Microplastics More Prevalent in Agriculture Soil than Oceans

2020-09-18 08:00:00| Waste Age

Microplastics are plastic pieces smaller than five millimeters across. For years, weve heard about the impact of ocean microplastics, but now researchers say more microplastics are in farm soil than oceans. And the plastic is now being found in our

Tags: than agriculture soil prevalent


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