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Soil doesn't get better by chance, it gets better by change

2020-07-22 16:02:00| National Hog Farmer

UNL livestock bioenvironmental engineer details how manure can improve resilience of crop land.

Tags: by change chance gets


A kindergartner spreads soil around a Douglasfir. Photo Credit: Beth Conyers

2020-05-20 19:35:21| PortlandOnline

Tags: photo credit soil beth


From the Field: Soil Health Shields Oklahoma Farm from Changing Weather

2020-04-29 23:17:06| National Farmers Union

Editors note: This is the first in what will be an ongoing series that highlights the work farmers and ranchers are doing to adapt their land and operations to the effects of climate change.� April was unseasonably cold in Central Oklahomabut unseasonable weather is becoming the new normal here.�� At Pope Hilltop Farms in Kingfisher […]

Tags: health field weather changing


Soil Association certified clothes sales up 44% in 2019

2020-03-11 11:40:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

UK sales of Soil Association certified textiles were up 10% last year thanks to greater consumer demand and better availability of organic cotton, new figures show.

Tags: sales association certified clothes


Soil Association certified clothes sales up 10% in 2019

2020-03-11 11:40:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

UK sales of Soil Association certified textiles were up 10% last year thanks to greater consumer demand and better availability of organic cotton, new figures show.

Tags: sales association certified clothes


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