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Galileo AIV Security Engineer

2021-03-16 17:12:09| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

Position Reference 821 On behalf of ESA, we are currently looking for two GSMC Engineers. One to work at the Galileo Security Monitoring Center in Saint Germain en Laye, France and one in Madrid, Spain. Please note that these positions will be based for the first 6 months at ESTEC to undergo training, in the city of Noordwijk, The Netherlands. Tasks and Activities The scope of work will include Follow up and coordinate the daytoday AIV activities at each site, liaising with industry and GSA. Follow up the deployment and onsite AIV planning through participation various reviews and meetings. Liaise with the ESA Project Office in ESTEC on both urgent and daytoday matters potentially affecting the Galileo service continuity or limiting OPS capabilities. Review AIV documentation RVM, Test Cases, Test Procedures at segment and system level, especially those related to Site AIV activities and provide duly comments in relation to the review schedules. Support the planning of GSF, SOIF and SECMON Delivery Review Boards DRB and their associated test campaigns. Follow up the onsite qualification activities both at system and segment level, reviewing the evidence contributed by the developing contractor. Follow up the test campaigns. This includes attendance of TRRs, witnessing of test execution, review of test results and ensure the timely delivery of test logs to the data processing teams. Follow up the closure related anomalies as part of the Anomaly Review Boards and NCRs as part of Nonconformance Review Boards, either at segment and system level. Support the GSMC Operators in their operational validation tasks, liaising with the technical experts in ESTEC and Industry and ensuring the operability of the delivered infrastructure Participate, as requested, in Galileorelated reviews and technical evaluation boards, in particular contributing to GSF, SOIF and SECMON qualification reviews, intermediate DRB reviews, system and operations reviews. Skills and Experience The following skills and experience are mandatory Masters degree or equivalent qualification in Engineering, physics or Computer science, with at least 4 years of relevant working experience. Good interpersonal skills and team spirit. Ability to work independently and manage multiple tasks simultaneously. Previous working experience in a multinational environment. High senses of rigour, proactive attitude to solving problems. Proficiency in English, both written and spoken. Eligibility for a Personal Security Clearance PSC from your national security authority. How to Apply Looking to take your career to the next level? Interested applicants should submit their CV and Cover Letter to RHEAs Recruitment team at careersrheagroup.com no later than 05042021.

Tags: security engineer galileo aiv


Galileo AIV Engineer

2021-03-11 16:12:09| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

Galileo AIV Engineer Deadline for applications 06042021 Client and Location The European Space Agency is ATGs biggest client. They are an international organisation with 22 member states with sites in the Netherlands, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, UK and Belgium. ESA is Europes gateway to Space! Job Description On behalf of the European Space Agency ESA, we are looking for a two Galileo AIV Engineers for their location in Noordwijk, the Netherlands, to join their G1 System Exploitation Unit. After an initial period of 6 months, these positions will be moved off site to the Galileo Security Monitoring Centers in France and in Spain. Please note these are an external consultant positions not a Staff positions. The successful candidate wills be tasked with, but not limited to Tasks and Responsibilities Follow up and coordinate the daytoday GSF, SOIF and SECMON AIV activities at GSMCFR and ES liaising with WP2X industry, WP1X industry and GSA GSMC. Follow up the deployment and onsite AIV planning through participation to the Mid Term Planning Meetings MTPs, Short Term Planning STP meetings and Change Control Boards CCBs. Liaise with the ESA Project Office in ESTEC on both urgent and daytoday matters potentially affecting the Galileo service continuity or limiting OPS capabilities. Review AIV documentation RVM, Test Cases, Test Procedures at segment and system level, especially those related to Site AIV activities and provide duly comments in relation to the review schedules. Support the planning of GSF, SOIF and SECMON Delivery Review Boards DRB and their associated test campaigns. Follow up the GSF, SOIF and SECMON onsite qualification activities both at system and segment level, reviewing the evidence contributed by the developing contractor WP2X. Follow up the test campaigns, in particular for tests executed on site. This includes attendance of TRRs, witnessing of test execution, review of test results and ensure the timely delivery of test logs to the data processing teams. Follow up the closure of GSF, SOIF and SECMON related anomalies as part of the Anomaly Review Boards and NCRs as part of Nonconformance Review Boards, either at segment level internal or resulting from systemOPS activities external, ensuring that critical issues are solved with maximum priority and any Work Arounds are duly validated. Support the GSMC Operators in their operational validation tasks, liaising with the technical experts in ESTEC and Industry and ensuring the operability of the delivered infrastructure. Participate, as requested, in Galileorelated reviews and technical evaluation boards, in particular contributing to GSF, SOIF and SECMON qualification reviews, intermediate DRB reviews, system and operations reviews. Requirements University degree Master in a relevant field e.g. engineering, physics, mathematics or other exact sciences with minimum 4 years of relevant experience Experience in technical procurement and contractors management, preferably in relation to a space or defence system Experience in managing complex project andor project portfolio Experience in configuration management, including preparation andor maintenance of operational documentation and procedures Experience with the Galileo programme, preferably related to security monitoring or PRS functionality Excellent command of both written and spoken English Candidates must be eligible for security clearance from their national security administration Ability to work with others within a team Ability to deliver accurate work under pressure, organise workload and prioritise tasks Customer serviceoriented mindset. What do we offer? ATG offers excellent working conditions and provide you with all the other necessary means to further your career. We believe that training and education, combined with regular assessments and a personal development plan, will create the best environment for growth. If needed, we also assist you with settling in your new home or finding the right school for your children. ATG will help in any way it can, including a relocation budget that is applicable for ATG staff as well as employees working at one of our clients. About ATG Europe Today, ATG is recognized as a leading provider of specialized engineering, scientific and technical services to the European Space industry. Our headquarters is located in Noordwijk, the Netherlands and we have subsidiaries in Germany and the UK. Besides these countries, ATG also operates in Belgium, Sweden and Norway. ATG People is the key player in delivering highly educated personnel for RD environments throughout Europe. We are continually recruiting experienced Engineers for exciting, fulltime positions based at our customers sites. As an ATG Engineer, you will be working on very diverse missions and assignments. This opens up unique opportunities to be engaged in innovative projects and challenging you to perform to high standards and utilizing the full extent of your professional knowledge. Interested? Submit your CV and personal details through our website at www.jointhebrightestminds.com.

Tags: engineer galileo aiv


AIV Manager for Biomass PDGS

2021-01-19 16:13:05| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

Solenix is specialized in the provision of highquality software engineering, technical consulting and operations services in the aerospace domain. This vacancy note concerns an onsite consulting position at ESRIN in Frascati Rome, Italy. Job Description We are looking for an AIV Manager to support our client ESRIN for the Biomass PDGS Phase CDE1. You will support the Biomass Payload Data Ground Segment PDGS team in the following PDGS Integration and Validation phase GS Integration and Validation phase Launch preparation and Commissioning phase Your tasks will include but not be limited to Preparation and maintenance of the PDGS Integration and Validation Test PlanSpecification Contribution to the preparation of Tests Procedures and Test Scripts Coordination, execution and analysis of the PDGS Integration and Validation tests Contribution to PDGS Test Readiness Reviews and Test Review Boards Support to generation of the GS Validation Plan and Procedures Preparation, organization, execution, analysis and reporting of the GS Validation test Participation to the GS Test Readiness Reviews and Test Review Boards Support to management of the Anomaly Reports resulting from the test execution, and coordination of the implementation of mitigation actions Support to the management of the operators training and contribution to preparation of operational training documentation Support to the definition and documentation of the PDGS Commissioning Implementation Plan Support to the preparation and execution of PDGS commissioning activities Support to the preparation of the launch and implementation of rehearsal activities PDGS system behaviour monitoring and reporting during commissioning Support to preparation of the Operational setup for phase E2 and for the PDGS Transfer to Operations Operations of the various supporting tools e.g. Documentation Management System Participation to Ground Segment Reviews and PDGS reviews organised either by ESA or by Industry Adhoc development of tools for the accomplishment of the PDGS testing and validation Required Skills and Experience A university degree or equivalent qualification in engineering Strong experience in integration and validation test activities, preferably in the field of Earth Observation Ground Segments Good ability to plan ahead and follow schedule of testing activity Experience in System and Software anomalies management reporting, analysis, classification and resolution Experience or knowledge of the ECSS standards and as an asset documentation and configuration control management techniques Knowledge of the ESA Earth Explorers missions and instruments and processes related to their PDGS development would be an asset Programming skills in order to develop tools for the accomplishment of the PDGS testing and validation Work Location Frascati Rome, Italy Dates Application Deadline 31 January 2021 Start of Work As soon as possible Important Notes Before applying to this position, please read the page How to Apply on the Solenix website under Career. Applicants must be EU citizens or have a valid work and residence permit in Italy. Security, identity and reference checks on the candidates are part of the recruitment process. Job Application Please send your applications electronically to careersolenix.ch before the application deadline 31 January 2021. Learn more about us in Facebook.

Tags: manager biomass aiv pdgs


Ingnieur AIV IVV HF

2020-12-23 12:11:26| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

Nous concevons, intgrons et oprons des systmes critiques et sommes un partenaire privilgi en systmes de commandement et de conduite des oprations, systmes srs industriels ou embarqus, cyberscurit, digitalisation des processus industriels et Data Intelligence. Venez explorez au sein de CS GROUP de nouveaux horizons dans les secteurs de la Dfense de la Scurit, de lEspace, de lAronautique et de lEnergie, et participez la protection des environnements techniques de nos clients, la valorisation de leurs informations stratgiques et lamlioration de leur efficacit oprationnelle. Entreprise technologique et innovante, CS GROUP connait une croissance soutenue sur ses marchs en France et linternational, ce qui vous promet de belles aventures professionnelles ! Au sein de la Business Unit Espace, le dpartement Flight, Mission Operation adresse tous les mtiers qui concernent la chane montante vers le satellite de la mission au contrlecommande en passant par la mcanique spatiale et la simulation, et incluant les activits de support la qualification et aux oprations. Dans le cadre du dveloppement de ses activits, notre dpartement recrute unune Ingnieur AIV ou IVV de logiciels oprationnels complexes. Nous dveloppons des logiciels complexes dans le cadre de mission dobservation de la Terre ou de navigation, mais encore de missions scientifiques pour les grands acteurs du spatial franais et europen. Avant la livraison nos clients, ces logiciels sont prouvs par des campagnes de tests et de validation pousss. Intgre au sein dune quipe dAIV IVV, vous participerez lAssemblageIntgrationValidation permettant le dploiement de logiciels oprationnels chez nos clients. Vos missions stratgie de tests, rdaction de plans et de rapports de tests dfinition et mise en place des environnements de validation contribution lamlioration continue des moyens et mthodes dAIV ou IVV logiciel, notamment en termes dautomatisation des campagnes de tests support aux clients support aux utilisateurs, tests de qualification. Qui tesvous ? De formation Ingnieur ou quivalent universitaire en informatique bac5, vous avez une exprience dau moins 3 ans en AIV, et de bonnes connaissances dans le dveloppement logiciel. Vous avez des comptences en AIV logiciel complexe outils dintgration continue Jenkins, GitLAB outils de tests automatiques langages Python, Java, Java Script. La matrise de langlais est indispensable pour mener bien vos missions. Une premire exprience dans le spatial et un atout votre candidature. Vos qualits capacit danalyse et esprit de synthse autonomie et esprit dinitiative excellente relationnel. Qui sommesnous ? Depuis plus de 40 ans, la Business Unit Espace de CS GROUP fournit avec succs des systmes cls en main et des services dingnierie pour les marchs de lespace et de ses applications. Avec un effectif de 430 collaborateurs rassemblant des comptences avances et uniques la fois dans les technologies de linformation et lingnierie des donnes spatiales, la BU Espace est un partenaire de confiance majeur et reconnu sur le long terme des agences spatiales et de dfense, des matres duvre et oprateurs de satellites, et des acteurs des applications spatiales. Nous rejoindre cest bnficier dun management de proximit progresser individuellement et collectivement voluer dans un environnement flexible dimension humaine et conviviale. O sommesnous situs ? Notre tablissement se situe dans le parc de la Plaine 5, rue Brindejonc des Moulinais Toulouse proche de la cit de lEspace. Le site est accessible en transports en commun Lino 7, bus 23 et 37. Si vous prfrez, nous remboursons des indemnits kilomtriques vlos ! Intresse ? Partagez avec nous votre CV et additionnons nos talents !

Tags: hf aiv ingnieur ivv


Biomass AIV Manager

2020-09-29 13:10:03| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

Position Reference 639 We are currently looking for a Biomass AIV Manager to work in the l city of Frascati, Italy. The Biomass AIV Manager will provide management and specialised engineering support to the Biomass Payload Data Ground Segment PDGS manager for the Phase CDE1. Tasks and Activities The scope of work will include Preparation and maintenance of the PDGS Integration and Validation Test Plan. Preparation and maintenance of the PDGS Integration and Validation Test Specification. Contribution to the preparation of Tests Procedures and Test Scripts. Coordination and execution of the PDGS Integration and Validation tests. Analysis of the PDGS Integration and Validation test results and generation of test reports. Contribution to PDGS Test Readiness Reviews and Test Review Boards. Support to generation of the GS Validation Plan. Support to generation of the GS Validation Procedures. Preparation, organisation and execution of the GS Validation test. Support to the analysis and reporting of the GS Validation test results. Participation to the GS Test Readiness Reviews and Test Review Boards. Support to management of the Anomaly Reports resulting from the test execution, and coordination of the implementation of mitigation actions. Support to the management of the operators training and contribution to preparation of operational training documentation. Support to the definition and documentation of the PDGS Commissioning Implementation Plan. Support to the preparation and execution of PDGS commissioning activities. Support to the preparation of the launch and implementation of rehearsal activities. PDGS system behaviour monitoring and reporting during commissioning. Support to preparation of the Operational setup for phase E2 and for the PDGS Transfer To Operations. Generation of technical notes whenever needed during the Project lifetime. Operations of the various supporting tools e.g. Documentation Management System. Participation to Ground Segment Reviews and PDGS reviews organised either by ESA or by Industry. Adhoc development of tools for the accomplishment of the PDGS testing and validation. Skills and Experience The following skills and experience are mandatory University degree or equivalent qualification in engineering. Strong experience in integration and validation test activities, preferably in the field of Earth Observation Ground Segments. Good ability to plan ahead and follow schedule of testing activity. Experience in System and Software anomalies management reporting, analysis, classification and resolution. Experience or knowledge of the ECSS standards and as an asset documentation and configuration control management techniques. Knowledge of the ESA Earth Explorers missions and instruments and processes related to their PDGS development would be an asset. Programming skills in order to develop tools for the accomplishment of the PDGS testing and validation. How to Apply Looking to take your career to the next level? Interested applicants should submit their CV and Cover Letter to RHEAs Recruitment team at careersrheagroup.com no later than 23102020. Preference will be given to candidates eligible for an EU or national personal security clearance at the level of CONFIDENTIAL or above.

Tags: manager biomass aiv


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