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AMCS Announces Collaborative Research Project with Confirm Centre to Drive Sustainability

2021-09-29 08:00:00| Waste Age

AMCS, the leading global supplier of integrated software and vehicle technology for the waste, recycling and resource industries, today announced that it has started a research collaboration with Confirm the Science Foundation Ireland funded resear

Tags: research project drive centre


Color-Logic announces S.M.A.R.T Centre

2021-08-03 16:27:30| Label and Narrow Web Breaking News

Licensed printers and graphic designers now have access to Software, Marketing, Artwork, Resources and Training (SMART).

Tags: centre smart announces centre announces


Rack Centre announces USD 100 mln data centre expansion in Lagos

2020-09-01 09:27:00| Telecompaper Headlines

(Telecompaper) West African carrier neutral data centre operator Rack Centre has announced an expansion to a total net lettable white space of 6,000 square metres and 13 MW of IT power capacity at its Lagos campus, ITWeb reported. This increase will supplement the expansion already under way to double existing capacity to 1.5 MW and 1,200 square metres of white space in early 2021. The report said the expansion is worth USD 100 million.

Tags: data centre usd expansion


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