Thermal Imaging: Finding Problems Faster and More Accurately
2013-11-27 21:36:34| Electrical Construction & Maintenance
Thermal imaging is a proven technology that has enhanced the troubleshooting abilities of electrical and construction professionals. With the incredible advancements in technology and at very affordable prices... Location Online Webinar United States See map: Google Maps .social-bar ul, .social-bar ul ul { margin: 0; padding: 0; position: absolute; width: 694px; height: 80px; } .event-intro .imagefield { float: right; margin: 0 0 1em 1em; padding-top: 130px; width:280px; } EMAIL Tweet Date: 12/19/2013 Time: 2:00 p.m. ET – 11:00 a.m. PT Thermal imaging is a proven technology that has enhanced the troubleshooting abilities of electrical and construction professionals. With the incredible advancements in technology and at very affordable prices starting at less than $1000, thermal imaging cameras are becoming a required tool for all maintenance personnel. In this presentation, Brad Risser of FLIR Systems will: Provide an overview of different applications and uses of thermal imaging cameras Discuss the differences between thermal spot guns and thermal imaging cameras Discuss the importance of understanding spot size Summarize the value and ease of finding problems quickly and accurately with a thermal camera ...and discuss the latest technological advancements in these instruments and associated meters Register Today! Sponsored By: read more
Tags: problems
Category:Construction and Maintenance