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The Plague of Uncertainty: The Pandemics Unpredictable Impacts on Recycling and Its Markets (Commentary)

2020-05-29 09:00:00| Waste Age

At the end of January, I spoke on recycling markets at the Connecticut Recyclers Coalition Annual Conference. I never uttered the word pandemic. So much for my predictive abilities. In spite of that, they asked me to do a webinar at the end of thi

Tags: markets commentary uncertainty recycling


Covid-19 Impacts Lydalls Sales

2020-05-12 18:27:19| Nonwovens Industry Breaking News

Sales down 8% from the first quarter of 2019

Tags: sales impacts covid19


First Quarter Roundup: COVID-19 Impacts Not as Bad as Feared

2020-05-12 10:00:00| Waste Age

During the past week, the majority of the publicly-traded solid waste companies reported first-quarter results and held follow-up conference calls. In this months edition of Business Report, we discuss the themes that emerged, which were notably consistent.

Tags: bad quarter impacts feared


Canada's live hog prices suffering impacts of US pricing point

2020-05-05 14:30:00| ThePigSite - Industry News

HAMS Marketing Services says reduced US pork processing capacity due to COVID-19 has resulted in an unprecedented spread between the value of live hogs and the price of processed pork.

Tags: point live prices pricing


Researchers investigate the long-term impacts of COVID-19 on UK food system

2020-04-30 12:56:00| ThePigSite - Industry News

The research, presented by Professor James Lowenberg-DeBoer, indicates that now is the time for researchers, agri-business and farmers to work together to understand how food supply chains can be shorter and more resilient.

Tags: system uk food researchers


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