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Cotton Fiber & Yarn Price Comparison: China vs. India and Pakistan (Monthly Report)

2020-12-15 19:08:39| EmergingTextiles.com

Domestic cotton markets have been more stable in the first two weeks of December, with gross margins moving differently at spinning mills in China, India, and Pakistan. Our report compares the cotton fiber and yarn prices in China, India, and Pakistan, in the past months and in the month-to-date, offering a comprehensive and updated view of the yarn/fiber spreads in the three countries. These gross margins of domestic spinners are displayed every month, with 10-year historical data available for download.

Tags: price report china monthly


UK business 'must wake up' to China's Uighur cotton slaves

2020-12-15 18:34:12| BBC News | Business | UK Edition

MPs say clothes retailers must act after the BBC disclosed the plight of China's Uighurs and other minorities.

Tags: business wake cotton slaves


Uyghur forced labour in cotton more widespread than believed

2020-12-15 13:49:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

US Customs & Border Protection is being urged to issue a region-wide ban on cotton imports from East Turkistan after a report revealed upward of half a million people in Uyghur regions were forced to pick cotton through the government's coercive labour training and transfer scheme.

Tags: than forced believed cotton


First ten US mills sign up to Cotton Trust Protocol

2020-12-15 13:46:00| Daily apparel & textile news and comment - from just-style.com

The US�Cotton Trust Protocol has welcomed its first�ten American cotton textile manufacturers, including�Frontier Yarns and Parkdale Inc.

Tags: sign trust cotton protocol


Cotton Prices on International and Domestic Markets (Weekly Report)

2020-12-14 13:08:41| EmergingTextiles.com

Cotton prices have rebounded in the past week on the international market, over a new decline of the dollar, heavy Chinese demand for US cotton, and a bullish monthly update by the US Department of Agriculture. Our weekly cotton report covers the futures market in New York and China, and the physical indicator "A Index". Domestic cotton prices in China, India, Pakistan, and Brazil are reviewed through tables and charts. Organic and BCI cotton prices in India and Pakistan are also released. All data are available for download.

Tags: international report prices weekly


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