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2020-11-19 00:51:32| PortlandOnline

7077 NE 82ND AVE - COMMENTS DUE 12-18-20 - LIQUOR PDF Document, 510kbCategory: Unclaimed

Tags: hilton tru


Comscore launches streaming behavior segments through Tru Optik

2020-10-06 13:30:02| Digital TV News

Comscore (NASDAQ: SCOR) and Tru Optik have announced the launch of behavior segments based on consumer streaming viewership habits. The segments are accessible through Tru Optik's Data Marketplace.

Tags: behavior streaming segments optik


TransUnion to acquire Tru Optik

2020-10-01 14:40:32| Digital TV News

TransUnion has agreed to acquire Tru Optik. Tru Optik will provide TransUnions expanded customer base with the reach, accuracy and transparency missing in current identity and audience development products.

Tags: acquire optik tru transunion


Tru Voice Lessons

2020-05-21 00:12:27| PortlandOnline

A multi-state company that offers voice and music lessons, with an emphasis on transgender voice training. We offer sessions both in-person and online. Based in the greater-Portland area; a company for transgender people, by transgender people.

Tags: voice lessons tru


Tru Optik offers cross-device OTT measurement for free

2020-05-20 15:30:09| Digital TV News

Tru Optik is making its OTT campaign-measurement service available for free. Tru Optiks Cross-Screen Audience Validation (CAV) is purpose-built to deliver unbiased real-time OTT campaign measurement.

Tags: free offers measurement optik


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