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EREF Invests in New Development, Data & Policy and Sustainable Materials Management Staff

2021-09-29 13:18:00| Waste Age

Raleigh, NC   The Environmental Research & Education Foundation (EREF) proudly announces the hiring of three new staff. These new staff come at the inception of a new 5-year plan, which focuses on sustainable materials management, furtherin

Tags: policy data development management


AMP Robotics Installs its First Recycling Robots in the United Kingdom and Ireland with Recyco

2021-09-23 08:00:00| Waste Age

DENVER AMP Robotics Corp. (AMP), a pioneer in AI, robotics, and infrastructure for the waste and recycling industry, has installed its first AI-guided robotics systems in the UK and Ireland with Recyco, a leading recycling and waste management bus

Tags: with united kingdom ireland


Trending Headlines: Product of USA, BSE & black swan events

2021-09-22 21:49:00| Beef

BSE discovered in England. New Mexico heads to court over beef labeling laws. Plus, ranchers call for reform in cattle markets.

Tags: product events black usa


Six Reasons Why Telematics is a Game Changer for the Waste & Recycling Industry

2021-09-16 19:51:00| Waste Age

Telematics can now deliver benefits well beyond its original scope of basic of fleet location tracking. Modern telematics solutions allow a waste hauler to gain rapid actionable insights from the growing datasets collected to drive smarter decisions

Tags: game industry reasons waste


Trending Headlines: JBS fire, MCOOL, high meat prices & climate change

2021-09-15 23:02:00| Beef

Covid investigations are underway in two packing plants. JBS set to reopen after a fire. And Congressmen propose mandatory country of origin labeling.

Tags: high change prices fire


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