Tag: navigation
Radio Navigation Receiver Engineer PNT Systems
2019-08-12 14:17:09| Jobs RSS
Position Reference 564 You will have the opportunity to provide engineering support to the Radio Navigation Systems Technology Section at the European Space Agency. Tasks and Activities The scope of work will include Support to Navigation Projects e.g. EGNOS and GALILEO and RD activities in the fields of system and receivers performances in a hybrid PNT framework GNSS algorithms at signal and position level, deadreckoning motion sensors such as INS, visionbased INS, alternative PNT systems, use of signals from cellular network, etc.. Participation in studies supporting current and future PNT systems definition andor analysis, in particular for what concerns system performances and receiver algorithms signal processing, advanced hybrid PNT algorithms, situational awareness and mitigation of local impairments for improved availability, reliability and resilience. Participation to the activities supporting standardisation and technical working groups addressing the aforementioned topics. Design, definition and follow up of industrial contracts related to the aforementioned topics, including RD activities and.or procurement of GNSS testbeds and receivers for infrastructure or user technologies user segments. Support design, implementation, maintenance and operation of Radio Navigation equipment, complex Radio Navigation simulation tools and test facilities for testing features endtoend performances, receivers, etc. in the aforementioned activities. Skills and Experience The following skills and experience are mandatory You have a Masters Degree in the fields of Telecommunications, Electrical Engineering, Physics or Aerospace Engineering. You have specific knowledge in the design and testing of Radio Navigation systems and equipment. You have a strong knowledge on the design of satellite navigation systems, ranging and positioning techniques, RF, signal processing techniques, and digital navigation receivers. You have relevant experience with the GNSS1, EGNOS andor GALILEO systems and equipment and have and good knowledge of Radio Navigation simulation and testing systems. You have proven experience in the implementation, maintenance and operation of complex Radio Navigation simulation and test facilities for spacecraft, aircraft, maritime and land mobile applications. You have strong experience at user level with satellite navigation receivers and satellite navigation positioning and integrity algorithms. You have a background and experience including handson tests and field trials in several of the following fields GNSS and associated user technologies, nonGNSS positioning systems e.g. alternative PNT, 5G, etc. and associated user technologies advanced signal processing and estimation algorithms applied to PNT for instance including but not limited to some of the following MIMO signal processing, kalman filter, particle filter, artificial intelligence and machine learning for sensor fusion. The following skills would be highly desirable You have some experience in system design and user equipment technologies for secure wireless systems. You have some experience of commercial simulation software. How to Apply Looking to take your career to the next level? Interested applicants should submit their CV and Cover Letter to RHEAs Recruitment team at no later than 03092019. Preference will be given to candidates eligible for an EU or national personal security clearance at the level of CONFIDENTIAL or above. About RHEA Group RHEA Group is a leading engineering consultancy firm with demonstrated expertise in space, system and secure software solutions. We attract skilled engineers, scientists and management professionals and offer a range of exciting career paths working alongside clients such as the European Space Agency, the European GNSS Agency, EUMETSAT and NATO.
Tags: navigation
Radio Navigation Engineer Galileo System Security Unit
2019-08-12 14:17:09| Jobs RSS
Position Reference 567 You will have the opportunity to provide engineering support to the Galileo System Security Unit in the Galileo Security Office. The main tasks include specification, design and security risk analysis of radio navigation satellite systems, with emphasis on security and cryptography aspects. Tasks and Activities The scope of work will include Definition and evaluation of system security design concepts Definition of GALILEO system and segment requirements, interacting with system and segment experts, focussing on cyber security and PRS topics Evaluation of segment proposals focussing on cyber security and PRS Support to the ESA Engineering Board process, in order to maintain the requirements system baseline using DOORS Support to Procurement, Development, Integration, Validation of System Security Tools validating the Navigation System Concept Support to PRS Test Benches whenever required by the ESA Galileo Security Office Supporting technology developments Signal generator and Receiver in preparation of PRS test bench and security activities Supporting the procurement of system tools e.g. Emulators, Test Bed contributing to the proof of concept and experimentation of PRS evolutions Participation in the overall Radio Navigation RD roadmap, focussed on cybersecurity engineering aspects, with emphasis on the domains of Radio Navigation receivers and other System Verification Tools. Skills and Experience The following skills and experience are mandatory You have a Masters Degree in telecommunications or electronic engineering or cybersecurity engineering, as well as at least 4 years of experience in these fields. You have specific and strong knowledge on Satellite Radio Navigation Systems, ranging and positioning techniques and technologies, including latest trends in robust PNT You have extensive experience in the design and development of large distributed security systems. You have specific knowledge in the design and testing of Radio Navigation systems and equipment. You have relevant experience with the GNSS1, EGNOS andor GALILEO systems and equipment and have and good knowledge of Radio Navigation simulation and testing systems. You have proven experience in the implementation, maintenance and operation of complex Radio Navigation simulation and test facilities for spacecraft, aircraft, maritime and land mobile applications. You have strong experience at user level with satellite navigation receivers and satellite navigation positioning and integrity algorithms. The following skills would be highly desirable You have some experience of commercial simulation software. How to Apply Looking to take your career to the next level? Interested applicants should submit their CV and Cover Letter to RHEAs Recruitment team at no later than 13092019. Preference will be given to candidates eligible for an EU or national personal security clearance at the level of CONFIDENTIAL or above. About RHEA Group RHEA Group is a leading engineering consultancy firm with demonstrated expertise in space, system and secure software solutions. We attract skilled engineers, scientists and management professionals and offer a range of exciting career paths working alongside clients such as the European Space Agency, the European GNSS Agency, EUMETSAT and NATO.
Tags: system
Ingnieur Navigation Prparation aux Oprations EGNOS HF
2019-08-12 12:18:39| Jobs RSS
CS est un acteur majeur de la conception, de lintgration et de lexploitation de systmes critiques. Au sein de la Business Unit Espace, le dpartement FMO Flight Mission Operations conoit, dveloppe et opre pour ses clients de nombreux systmes informatiques pour les satellites scientifiques, dobservation de la Terre ou de tlcommunication. Au sein du ple Navigation, vous viendrez renforcer une quipe existante implique sur le projet EGNOS v3. EGNOS European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service est le systme europen damlioration des performances de golocalisation des systmes de positionnement par satellites GPS, GALILEO, GLONASS, BEIDOU. Lutilisation dEGNOS permet de garantir la prcision, la fiabilit et la scurit des signaux des systmes prcdemment cits et devrait principalement tre utilis dans lAviation civile, mais aussi sur Terre et en Mer. Plus prcisment, vous interviendrez sur la prparation aux oprations dEGNOS v3, et ce sur toutes les composantes du systme les stations de rception GNSS, le calculateur de correction, les stations sol et le systme de supervision de lensemble. Votre rle pourra donc tre la dfinition des scnarios oprationnels, lcriture des procdures oprationnelles, la participation au design des interfaces graphiques, ainsi que la participation aux revues internes et externes. Vous serez rattach un Coordinateur dEquipe, mais serez tout de mme en interface directe avec le Client sur le primtre dactivits qui vous aura t dlgu. Vous serez dtach dans les locaux dun de nos Clients, grand industriel du Spatial. Des dplacements ponctuels en Europe sont envisageables dans le cadre de ces activits. Ingnieur de formation ou quivalent universitaire, vous avez une spcialisation en NavigationGNSS ou mcanique spatiale. Vous tes aguerri aux Oprations et souhaiter prendre de la hauteur en anticipant les futures oprations dun systme Spatial complexe OU vous tes un expert EGNOS et dsirez participer la mise en place de sa future version. Dans les deux cas, vous tes attir par les oprations, le design, la rdaction de procdures, Vous avez le sens de lorganisation, tes curieuxse et, dote dun bon relationnel. Vous avez galement la capacit travailler efficacement en quipe tout en tant autonome dans votre primtre dactivits. Le projet se droulant dans un contexte europen, vous savez communiquer en anglais, tant loral qu lcrit. Postuler ICI
Tags: navigation
Ingnieur algorithmes de navigation et orbitographie HF
2019-08-12 12:18:39| Jobs RSS
CS est un acteur majeur de la conception, de lintgration et de lexploitation de systmes critiques. Au sein de la Business Unit Espace, le dpartement FMO Flight Mission Operations conoit, dveloppe et opre pour ses clients de nombreux systmes informatiques pour les satellites scientifiques, dobservation de la Terre ou de tlcommunication. Au sein du ple Navigation, vous viendrez renforcer une quipe existante implique sur le projet EGNOS v3. EGNOS European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service est le systme europen damlioration des performances des systmes de positionnement par satellites GPS et GALILEO. Lutilisation dEGNOS permet de garantir la prcision, la fiabilit et la scurit des signaux des systmes prcdemment cits et sera principalement utilis dans laviation civile, mais aussi sur Terre et en Mer. Plus prcisment, vous participerez la spcification et au dveloppement des algorithmes au cur du systme EGNOS v3. En effet, CS a t slectionn pour concevoir et dvelopper le PCF , Prediction Chain Facilty, o les corrections des signaux GNSS sont calcules. Votre rle sera dapporter votre expertise algorithmique et participer aux diffrentes phases du projet spcification des algorithmes en relation avec le Client, implmentation C temps rel en respectant la norme aronautique DO178, et ralisation des tests IVV. Vous serez rattach un responsable technique qui pourra sappuyer sur vos comptences mtier Navigation etou Mcanique Spatiale. Vous porterez un il critique sur les algorithmes et devrez tre capable dapporter des solutions techniques. Ingnieur de formation ou quivalent universitaire Bac5, avec une spcialisation en GNSS etou mcanique spatiale, vous justifiez de plusieurs annes dexprience dans ces domaines. Vous avez de lintrt pour le dveloppement informatique et le monde des algorithmes. Vous souhaitez vous engager dans un projet technologique majeur et intgrer une quipe jeune et dynamique. Vous avez le sens de lorganisation, tes curieuxse et, dot dun bon relationnel. Vous avez la capacit de travailler en quipe. Vous tes autonome et proactif dans la rsolution de problmes. Le projet se droulant dans un contexte europen, vous savez communiquer en anglais, tant loral qu lcrit. Postuler ICI
Tags: navigation
Radio Navigation Engineer
2019-08-08 17:17:11| Jobs RSS
Caring about space experts like you for more than 35 years. Matchmaking the best candidates for engineering, scientific and administrative positions at our customers. Investing in you to support the development of the European space industry. This is HE Space. We are currently looking for a Radio Navigation Engineer to support our customer in the Netherlands. Key Tasks and Responsibilities As part of the Radio Nav. Systems Tech Section, you will have the following responsibilities Support to Navigation Projects e.g. EGNOS and GALILEO and RD activities in the fields of safetyrelated PositionNavigationTiming PNT applications e.g. in railway, maritime and automotive sectors, PVT integrity and PVT assurance security Participation in studies supporting current and future PNT systems definition andor analysis for security and safetyrelated applications e.g. regarding system architecture, ground processing and user segment technologies Support to the activities relating to technology development, standardisation and working groups on PVT assurance and safetyrelated PNT applications Design, definition and follow up of activities including industrial development contracts and procurements, laboratory and field trials related to GNSS testbeds and receivers, in the aforementioned areas safetycritical, PVT assurance Support endtoend GALILEOEGNOS System Integration, Validation and Qualification activities e.g. new system features, receivers in the aforementioned areas. Skills Experience You will have the following qualifications and relevant experience Masters Degree or equivalent in Telecommunications, Electrical Engineering, Physics or Aerospace Engineering Background and experience in GNSS, in particular system and user technologies for PVT integrity experience in design, performances and standardisation of PNT user segments technologies GNSS receiver, signal processing and navigation algorithms, sensor fusion Background and experience in at least two of the following fields is an asset wireless security GNSS PVT assurance wireless systems for safetyrelated applications any of the following application domains and their associated safety standards railway, automotive, maritime Fluency in English is mandatory knowledge of another European language is an advantage. This job is located in Noordwijk. We welcome applicants who are available from October 2019 or as soon as possible thereafter. If you think you have what it takes for this job, please send us your CV together with a letter of motivation both in English and in Word to Ms Agnieszka Iwanczuk via the website www.hespace.comvacancies, ASAP but no later than 13Sep19 quoting job NLHP4162. An exciting and dynamic international working environment awaits you!
Tags: navigation
radio navigation
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