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Recycle Avengers Seeks Sponsors to Help Educate About Recycling Through Interactive Learning

2021-09-28 08:00:00| Waste Age

DALLAS -- Re-Teck, a leader in E-Waste recycling, and Great Focus Inc., a Re-Teck subsidiary, are in the final stages of development for their gaming app that will be used to educate students and parents on the benefits of electronic recycling.

Tags: learning sponsors interactive seeks


Re-Teck Looks to Educate Others About E-waste Through Gaming

2021-08-09 13:48:00| Waste Age

DALLAS -- E-Waste recycling company, Re-Teck, announced the development of a new game that Great Focus Inc., a Re-Teck subsidiary, is creating to educate the public about the importance of recycling end of life electronics. Game concepts were cr

Tags: through gaming educate ewaste


Reps Need to Educate Manufacturers on the Value Reps Provide in the Field

2020-12-01 04:00:00| MANAonline.org

Kenneth Russell-Murray, ElectraSpec, Inc. The wants and needs of a manufacturer and the manufacturers representative are aligned: drive revenue, increase profits and manage costs; however, the reps role goes beyond these common goals. It is understood that hiring a representative who is paid solely on a commission basis is a cost-effective alternative to marketing and […]

Tags: the provide field manufacturers


Covantas Communication Director Finds Creative Ways to Educate Public on WTE

2020-06-25 14:28:00| Waste Age

Representing the companys operations in five countries and six time zones, Covantas Director of Corporate Communications James Regan is responsible for external communication and serves as chief company spokesperson, supporting more than 80 waste-t

Tags: public director ways creative


Why has wine failed to educate the consumer on price? Ask Jacob's Creek - comment

2020-03-10 14:35:00| Daily beverage news and comment - from just-drinks.com

As former Diageo CEO Paul Walsh once told just-drinks: "They say, in wine, a fool and his money are easily parted." Unfortunately, for the wine category, the consumer is no fool. Chris Losh looks at Pernod Ricard's attempts to move�Jacob's Creek up the value chain and finds a brand struggling under the weight of consumer perception.

Tags: price comment consumer wine


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