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IT Back Office Delivery Manager AIT et Business hf

2016-05-25 12:06:50| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

Airbus Defence and Space. Un poste de IT Back Office Delivery Manager AIT et Business hf est pourvoir au sein dAirbus Defence Space, Toulouse. Vous rejoindrez lquipe Gestion de lInformation IM. LIM reprsente lhabilitateur de lactivit Technologie de lInformation IT et lunique partenaire dactivit IM dAirbus Defence and Space. En tant que mtier central, lIM est impliqu dans tous les processus dactivit et propose des carrires de techniciens et de responsables. LIM couvre une large gamme de technologies de pointe et des postes allant de linfrastructure IT, du support des applications la gouvernance et au conseil stratgique. LIM runit les meilleures conditions pour offrir notamment aux jeunes talents la possibilit de mener une carrire fructueuse dans un environnement avanc et prospectif. Travailler au sein de lIM suppose dexprimenter les tendances globales dveloppements comme la numrisation, linnovation et une nouvelle faon de travailler. Dans le cadre de la rcente Instruction Interministrielle relative la protection des systmes dinformations sensibles N901 , une srie de nouveaux projets sera lance au sein dAirbus Defence and Space BackOffice, en France. Vous fournirez un support nimporte quel nouveau projet, essentiellement li au II901 pour la premire tape, en vue de suggrer dventuelles conceptions architecturales. Vous serez galement charge de coordonner la mise en uvre de ces projets avec laide des contrats de service. Les conceptions architecturales que vous fournirez seront fondes sur nos briques informatiques standards. Vous devrez galement assurer la mise en place de nouvelles technologies dans notre environnement dinfrastructures. Vous travaillerez troitement avec nos clients internes de lentreprise sur les besoins spcifiques au dveloppement de notre activit lie au satellite. Les quipes AIT Assembly, Integration and Test Assemblage, intgration et essai construisent les satellites et disposent dun systme dinformation spcifique. La division Central Engineering dveloppe des outils logiciels pour le segment sol et des logiciels embarqus. En raison des solutions trs techniques quils utilisent, ces clients utilisent essentiellement des plateformes bases sur Unix, Linux et des produits Open Source. Une bonne connaissance de ces types denvironnements serait un plus. Si vous aimez travailler avec les clients, vous devrez leur fournir les conceptions dinfrastructure, les aider laborer la planification de leur budget informatique et les soutenir dans le suivi des incidents et des problmes. Vous devrez galement organiser une tude de satisfaction clientle afin dvaluer leur niveau de satisfaction. Lquipe BackOffice est dsormais en train de lancer un nouveau groupe dnomm DO IT . Contrairement nos gros contrats de service fonds sur les processus ITIL, le rle de cette quipe sera dagir ! Cela signifie que pour rpondre aux besoins de nos clients, vous aurez ventuellement le choix, dans certains cas, entre 2 solutions de mise en uvre Soit passer par le contrat de service, ou recourir lquipe DO IT, le cas chant. Dans ce cas, vous devrez valider vos rsultats laide dune approche exprimentale et itrative semblable celle qui peut se trouver dans les initiatives DevOps. Ce poste ncessite une habilitation de scurit ou dy tre ligible par les autorits reconnues. Dans ce contexte, vous serez responsable des principales activits suivantes Travailler avec des parties prenantes de lentreprise pour identifier les exigences de lactivit et le rsultat escompt Modliser et structurer des scnarios dactivit cohrents ayant un impact sur les processus dactivit critiques etou les dcisions Collaborer avec les experts en la matire de lactivit et les autres collgues IM afin de slectionner les architectures cibles Travailler avec nos quipes partenaires informatiques afin de soutenir lintgration, la mise en uvre et la validation de la production Travailler dans les processus itratifs avec lentreprise et valider les rsultats Dvelopper des approches axes sur la conception exprimentale afin de valider les hypothses des rsultats ou des essais Avec lentreprise, valuer la qualification et lassurance attendues des informations laide du cas dutilisation Travailler avec lquipe charge de la scurit IM afin de sassurer que les informations utilises sont conformes aux politiques rglementaires et de scurit en vigueur II901 et autres rglementations relatives la protection de la dfense Communiquer et travailler avec les experts en la matire de lactivit Informer lorganisation, dun point de vue IM et activit, sur les nouvelles approches, comme lessai dhypothses et la validation des rsultats En tant que personne scientifique, vous devrez dmontrer les qualits suivantes clart, rigueur, prcision, cohrence, analyse approfondie, ouverture desprit, esprit logique, sens de limportance et intgrit Assurer la rsolution des problmes et la mise en uvre de points damlioration et de correction sur les systmes, le cas chant. Certains dplacements professionnels ponctuels sont prvoir 2 3 fois par an en Europe et, de ce fait, vous devez tre dispose vous dplacer en consquence. Nous recherchons des candidates ayant lexprience et les comptences suivantes Diplme dingnieur ou Master 5 ans dexprience en ingnierie backoffice Idalement, une exprience de la mthode de projet Agile Une connaissance de tout ou partie des domaines suivants o Serveurs, o Stockage SANNASTRAN, o Sauvegarde Netbackup, VEEAM, SnapVaults, etc., o Suivi Nagios, etc., o Virtualisation CITRIX, VMware et VDI, o Systmes dexploitation Windows, Linux Red Hat, Solaris, etc., o Bases de donnes Oracle Postgres, etc., o Outils dorchestration pour les infrastructures Cloud RedHat, HP Helion, etc.. La connaissance dun ou de plusieurs domaines dactivitfonctionnels dans lindustrie spatiale serait un plus Excellentes aptitudes en communication et en relationnel Relations clients Travail dquipe Niveau ngociation en franais et niveau avanc en anglais. Merci de bien vouloir postuler en ligne. To apply click here

Tags: back business office manager


Manager, Service Delivery, LuxGovSat

2016-04-20 17:08:39| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

Manager, Service Delivery, LuxGovSat Ref 0005 Region Europe Location Italy Sigonella Sicily Company LuxGovSat SA Category Other Engineering Technical Position Staff Published 20160407 Context LuxGovSat is a pioneer and innovator in governmental, civil security and defense satellite communications GOVSATCOM, jointly held by the global satellite operator SES, headquartered in Luxembourg, and the Luxembourg Government. The objectives of LuxGovSat are the acquisition, the launch and the operation of a satellite for the provision of governmental and defense communication services. The new satellite, GovSat1, will bring new capacity in governmental frequency bands and feature security capabilities with steerable highpowered spot beams. In a unique PublicPrivate Venture, it will ensure the security, reliability and flexibility for the everchanging missions of governments and institutions in the security, defense and civil areas. The launch of the satellite is scheduled for the second quarter of 2017. The spacecraft will be positioned at the orbital position 21.5 degrees East and will cover Europe, the Middle East and Africa. The position implies various activities related to the capacity management and service delivery in close coordination with the LuxGovSat NOC in BetzdorfLuxembourg. Responsibilities Work independently as the LuxGovSat operational expert and contact point for all aspects on the delivery of the ground segment capabilities and provisioning of secure operational services Maintain the highest level of operational and technical knowledge of these systems in order to act as the systems expert in supporting the 247 operations Be accountable for the direct delivery of the LuxGovSat capability to speed the resolution of interferencefaults which may be impacting customer services Undertake timely and unsupervised judgments involving highly complex facts, situations which require analysis and interpretation, and comparison of a wide range of options, to find solutions to rapidly resolve cases of RF interference Develop training material and operating procedures, and provide teachingtraining of techniques and procedures to the 24x7 user operational teams, and to other groups across the LuxGovSat organisation Create reports and statistics as required on system events, activities, performance, usage of the systems, and customerspecific problems manage the storage and retrieval of specialized data to support analysis of all events Ensure the availability and preparedness of the LuxGovSat systems and all associated systems, data and documentation, to support the 24x7 operations when required Ensure security and proper use of confidential data, either internallyprovided or from external agencies and companies, which is required for the support Liaise with Engineering departments for the specification, design, development, testing and acceptance of new hardware and software systems Participate in vendor meetings and negotiations, related to system and service development, upgrade, operations and maintenance Manage the servicelevel activities from the carrier monitoring service and other operational support systems Formulate long term strategic guidelines for evolving and improving LuxGovSat capability for fault resolution and Radio Frequency Interference mitigation Always act in a proactive and selfmotivated manner to improve the overall customer operations and experience Provide oncall support in order to assist with resolution of urgent interference events impacting customer services Present complex information at international conferences, as a trusted representative of LuxGovSat Prepare projects reporting documentation and presentations with the support of Project Managers Capacity Management Services by executing the following six tasks, described hereafter Capacity Planning Capacity Engagement Capacity Access Coordination Capacity Monitoring and Control, including Electro Magnetic Interference Radio Frequency Interference handling Incident Management and Reporting ExperiencesQualifications Minimum 5year experience in the Satellite Telecommunications or Data Communications Industry, ideally in connection with governments or public institutions Existing experience or relationships into the defense market on national or panregional levels Engineering Degree Experience in service delivery, project andor programme management, willing to obtain recognized certifications Experience in operating a large spectrum of products and services hardware, systems integration, support services, etc Ideally be an exmilitary or a have proven record of working with military or other governmental agencies Awareness of the governmental and institutional environment dynamics Strong aptitude for a systems approach to problem solving, and good analytical skills Fluency in English the knowledge of other languages is considered an additional asset NATO secret clearance level will be required Apply for this Job online

Tags: service manager delivery service delivery


Satellite Service Delivery Manager

2015-07-07 12:04:34| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

Satellite Service Delivery Manager Location UK Employment Permanent Salary range 45,000 55,000 Key Purpose The Satellite Constellation Service Delivery Manager is responsible for the delivery of a service that provides the end customer with the ability to task a constellation of high resolution earth observation satellites and receive subsequent imagery data. The Satellite Constellation Service Delivery Manager is responsible for the operational management of the system through the operational lifetime of the satellites 7 years. The system comprises of a constellation of very high resolution optical remote sensing satellites and a number of ground segments located in the facilities, customer facilities and a third party facility. The Satellite Constellation Service Delivery Manager is the primary point of contact for the customer with regards the service delivery performance, and is responsible for maintaining the customer relationship by ensuring that customer meets its contractual service delivery obligations. Key Tasks Internal Facing Tasks Communicate to internal team the level of service required to meet the customers expectations and contractual obligations. Ensure that the various elements of the service delivery are maintained including Space and ground segment. Service helpdesk. Service support team. Ensure that performance deviations and system outages are dealt with in a timely and efficient manner and within the defined service levels. Produce monthly performance reports for the system and service. Manage development of existing tool sets and operational procedures to improve service efficiency and delivery. Work with the Commercial and Compliance teams as needed to ensure that the service complies with contractual and security obligations. Externally facing tasks Coordination of service activities with customer counterpart.. Compliance with obligations defined in the lease agreement. Maintenance calibration activity planning. Performance issues non compliances. Financial and commercial communications Satisfy lease holder reporting requirements. Experience Experience in service delivery management specifically in setting up, running and successfully delivering a service, ideally for satellite operations or within the engineeringaerospace sector. Experience of working with space and ground segments is beneficial. Knowledge Skills Results orientated strong drive to deliver. Strong organisational skills and ability to prioritise workload Excellent interpersonal skills written and verbal. Ability to interface with customers and technical representatives. Skilled at anticipating customer needs. Ability to handle high pressure environment and keep to deadlines. Flexible adaptable to changing priorities. Attention to detail. Proficient in all MS Office packages and knowledge of Microsoft Project. Willingness for occasional domestic and international travel.

Tags: service manager delivery satellite


Delivery Manager pour la production dquipements hf

2015-06-05 11:04:01| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

. Un poste de Delivery Manager pour la production dquipements hf vient de souvrir au sein dAirbus Defence Space sur son site des. Au sein de la direction industrielle lanceur, le ple de production MAIT Composites Equipments des Mureaux assure la fabricationlintgration de structures composites pour les grands programmes dAirbus Defence Space tout en se positionnant sur le march externe en tant ququipementier. Les principaux challenges du module dactivit sont Regagner durablement la confiance de nos clients internes externes en terme de livraison On Time Rduction de 30 sur les cots Amliorer le niveau de qualit du MA Structurer les OBSWBS des projets pour le primtre production Ce poste ncessite une habilitation de scurit ou ncessite dtre ligible une habilitation par les autorits reconnues Vous vous appuierez sur votre leadership pour animer et fdrer les quipes du projet. Vos principales responsabilits sont Piloter et garantir la livraison oQoToC de lensemble de vos livrables Assurer les relations avec le Client latteinte de ses objectifs, en contribuant au succs global du projet sa satisfaction. Assurer le lien avec lquipe projet pour le primtre production Coordonnerpiloter lquipe oprationnelle de production et notamment lensemble des RLT Responsable de Lots de Travaux Obtenir lengagement de chaque entit interne ou externe implique pour ses livrables. Construire et piloter la mise en place de la logique de son MA ressources, planification, budgets, etc.. Plus de dtails sur les missions du services et les responsabilits attendues en suivant ce lien httpwww.airbusgroup.comintenpeoplecareersjobsandapplicationssearchforvacancieslangfrjobid001A4B0A914A1ED582B9C91D5E455D05.html Nous recherchons des candidats ayant les expriences et les comptences suivantes Titulaire dune formation dIngnieur ou assimil dans le domaine de la production Bac5, Exprience dau moins 5 ans en manufacturing, Exprience en gestion de projet et une premire exprience ne gestion dquipe, Connaissances en Lean Manufacturing, Niveau avanc en Anglais et de ngociation en Franais. Merci de bien vouloir postuler en ligne, via votre profil eRecruiting, en joignant votre C.V. Airbus Group sengage pour la Diversit. Nous encourageons toutes les candidatures indpendamment de lorigine sociale et culturelle, de lge, du genre, du handicap, de lorientation sexuelle ou des croyances religieuses. Airbus Group Recruitment Centre To apply click here

Tags: pour manager production delivery


Delivery Manager

2014-04-11 18:35:37| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

RHEA is currently recruiting a Delivery Manager to support the MPCVESM program based at our clients premises in Bremen. Tasks and Activities Your primary tasks and activities may include Defining, implementing and managing the MPCVESM related work package in support of US based system closed loop testing Controlling and managing ITL delivery to ESANASA according to the contractual baseline Identifying improvements currently not yet part of the baseline, according to discussions within EGF WG with ESANASA Overseeing the implementation and control of related CCNs Coordinating and harmonising other MPCV electrical facilities Coordinating and supporting the system verification tasks Where necessary, allocating additional change requests by ESANASA Skills and Experience You must possess the following skills and experience A university degree in Engineering Minimum of 7 years demonstrated experience in ground operations management or system engineering Extensive experience in EGSE, AITAIV and system engineering Excellent communication skills Willingness to travel and work within a multinational environment Fluency in English How to Apply Looking to take your career to the next level? Interested applicants should submit their CV and Cover Letter to RHEAs Recruitment team at careersrheagroup.com no later than 250414. We look forward to hearing from you!

Tags: manager delivery delivery manager manager delivery


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