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Lead SOC Architect Security Operations Centre mfd

2021-08-20 15:13:35| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

IT systems are used everywhere also in Space be it within the ground segment or within the space segment of our various clients. Such segments need to be protected and cybersecurity is an essential part of such protection. Holistic Security Operations Centres SOCs become more and more important for our clients to ensure such protection. While such SOCs need to consider standard IT infrastructure, they also need to be extended with space specific protection mechanisms. If you are interested to lead the design and implementation of such SOCs for our clients and if you bring SOC experience from other industries, then you should continue reading. We are looking for architects, who would like to design, build, implement and deploy SOC solutions with the latest technologies to protect our clients IT and Space systems from cybersecurity threats. Join our Space teams in either Darmstadt or Bochum. With a team of highly motivated and specialized experts, we help to secure our Space clients systems during the digital transformation. Aufgaben As a SOC Architect, you will work in our crossfunctional Space and Security team to provide your experience to leading international and national Space organizations and corporations. The exciting and diverse tasks are as follows Accompany our clients during the complete system engineering lifecycle for their security operation centres SOCs Requirements engineering, User Case development in close cooperation with our clients Creation of design and specifications for security operation centres SOCs Planning and implementation of security components for SOCs to meet our clients requirements Creation of comprehensive concepts for SOCs tailored to our clients needs Act as technical lead for project teams and as technical point of contact for our clients Advice on the selection, implementation and operation of IT security solutions Qualifikation Required qualifications to be successful in this role You have a structured and analytical approach You have a track record of leading the delivery of Cyber Security Operations Centres SOCs You are fluent in English You have very good communication skills and bring confident appearance in front of clients Experience in working with standards like ISO27000x or NIST You have a degree in IT security, computer science or similar Desirable qualifications Experience in IT System Engineering and relevant standards Relevant certification such as Certified Information Systems Security Professional CISSP, Certified Information Security Manager CISM, Certified Ethical Hacker CEH or similar Experience in virtualisation andor cloud infrastructure Experience with asset management and service management Experience with penetration testing, vulnerability assessment and IT forensics Fluent in German Experience in the System Engineering Standards provided by the European Cooperation for Space Standardization ECSS Does this job sound interesting to you? Then get in touch with us, even if you cannot say yes to all the above points. We would like to get to know you.

Tags: security lead centre operations


Realtek selects Imagination GPU for DTV SoC

2021-07-16 09:39:45| Digital TV News

July 15, 2021 Imagination Technologies has announced that Realtek has licensed the IMG B-Series BXE-4-32 GPU for inclusion in their latest digital television SoC, continuing the companies' longstanding relationship.

Tags: soc imagination selects gpu


SOC Operations Manager Responsable des Operations SOC

2021-04-19 15:14:16| Space-careers.com Jobs RSS

Position Reference 868 The SOC Operations Manager is responsible for leading a 24x7 eightperson team of security experts for global clients. The SOC Operations Manager will help deliver the RHEA Group vision of redefining traditional SOC operations using automation, orchestration, and analytics. Responsibilities include but are not limited to the oversight of daytoday operations for RHEA Team Critical SOC delivery team, maturing processes and driving new innovations. The manager will also be responsible for maintaining mature service delivery methodologies for their practice areas in compliance with our ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certifications. The SOC manager is a high visibility role and requires a strong technical leader with outstanding customer communication skills that allows them to translate client requirements into bespoke SOC services. In addition, the SOC manager ensures delivery on the following SOC guiding principles Deliver quality security outcomes Drive efficient and timely operations Actualize continual improvement and innovation and Protect the customer. Tasks and Activities The scope of work will include Lead 24x7 delivery team, foster innovation, and drive accountability within SOC engineering. Be a thought leader in security engineering and operations delivery driving automation, analytics, and advanced threat analysis. Oversee technical delivery, assessing and continually improving output and ensuring processes are developed and adhered to in order to drive operational excellence. Provide administrative direction and support for daily operational activities Benchmark, analyze, report on, and make recommendations for the improvement and growth of SOC services. Participate in quarterly business reviews with vendors and customers. Manage the deployment, monitoring, maintenance, development, upgrade, and support of all Client managed systems, operating systems, hardware, and software. Keep current with the latest vendor updates, expansion opportunities, and technology directions, utilized in the Clients environment. Collaborate and consult with other SOC managers across RHEA Group as part of a worldwide SOC operations leadership team. Establish operational foundations, defining metrics and KPIs to drive governance, quality, and efficiency. Influence and improve existing processes through innovation and operational change. Manage staffing, including recruitment, supervision, scheduling, development, evaluation, and disciplinary actions. Develop and maintain an educational environment where the knowledge and performance of the group is constantly advancing. Perform annual staff appraisals. Develop and mentor staff through open communication, training and development opportunities, and performance management processes build and maintain employee morale and motivation. Support sales on presenting SOC services and security solutions that meet client needs. Skills and Experience The following skills and experience are mandatory Bachelors Degree B.A. from fouryear college or university Information Technology, Information SecurityAssurance, Engineering or similar area of study. Demonstrated thorough understanding of Information Security and Networking required. Demonstrated thorough technical knowledge of current network security, network hardware, protocols, and standards required. Proven ability to diagnose and troubleshoot technical issues required. Proven ability to make decisions and perform complex problemsolving activities under pressure. Previous management and project leadership experience required. Minimum of 7 to 10 years of cybersecurity experience including prior experience with SOC Services. Experience in a security leadership and management position, with experience building longterm career development plans for team members at all levels. Exceptional operational rigor with extensive realworld experience in ITIL methodologies and frameworks for IT operations. Experience in designing, implementing and measuring relevant security and technology management critical success factors, key performance indicators, and metrics. Ability to create shift schedules to ensure 24x7 coverage by support personnel. Indepth knowledge of modern security concepts and how to apply them. Experience in managing and maintaining supplier relationships. Desired Certifications ITIL, CISSP, CISM. How to Apply Looking to take your career to the next level? Interested applicants should submit their CV and Cover Letter to RHEAs Recruitment team at careersrheagroup.com no later than 14052021. Responsable des Operations SOC Le responsable des oprations du Centre de scurit des oprations SOC est charg de diriger une quipe dexperts en scurit 24h 24 et 7j 7 pour des clients mondiaux. Le responsable des oprations SOC aidera concrtiser la vision de RHEA Group consistant redfinir les oprations SOC traditionnelles laide de lautomatisation, de lorchestration et de lanalyse. Les responsabilits incluent, mais sans sy limiter, la supervision des oprations quotidiennes de lquipe de travail ddi aux oprations critique de lquipe RHEA, lamlioration des procdures et la gestion de nouvelles innovations. Le gestionnaire sera galement responsable de maintenir des mthodologies de prestation de services minents pour leurs domaines dexpertise en conformit avec nos certifications ISO 9001 et ISO 27001. Le responsable SOC est un rle haute visibilit et ncessite un leader technique solide dot de solide comptences en communication avec les clients qui leur permet de traduire les exigences des clients en services SOC sur mesure. De plus, le responsable SOC assure le suivi selon les principes directeurs dun centre des oprations de scurits suivants Fournir des rsultats de scurit de qualit Conduire des oprations efficaces et en respectant les chances Chercher constamment lamlioration continue et linnovation et Protger le client. Tches et activits La porte des travaux comprendra Diriger une quipe oprationnelle 24h 24, 7j 7, favoriser linnovation et renforcer la responsabilit au sein de lingnierie SOC. tre un leader dopinion en ingnierie de scurit et en excution des oprations en pilotant lautomatisation et lanalyse avance des menaces. Superviser le suivi technique, valuer et amliorer continuellement les rsultats et sassurer que les processus sont dvelopps et respects afin de favoriser lexcellence oprationnelle. Fournir une gestion administrative et un soutien pour les activits oprationnelles quotidiennes Oprer un Benchmark, une analyse, un rapport et des recommandations pour lamlioration et la croissance des services SOC. Participer aux revues trimestrielles des affaires avec les fournisseurs et les clients. Grer le dploiement, la surveillance, la maintenance, le dveloppement, la mise niveau et le support de tous les systmes dexploitation, matriels et logiciels grs par le client. Rester jour au niveau des dernires volutions des fournisseurs, des opportunits dexpansion et des orientations technologiques utilises dans lenvironnement des clients. Collaborer et consulter dautres responsables SOC du groupe RHEA dans le cadre dune quipe mondiale de direction des oprations SOC. tablir des bases oprationnelles, dfinir des mesures et des indicateurs de performance cls pour stimuler la gouvernance, la qualit et lefficacit. Influencer et amliorer les processus existants grce linnovation et au changement oprationnel. Grer lquipe et son volution, y compris le recrutement, la supervision, la planification du travail, le dveloppement, lvaluation et les mesures disciplinaires. Dvelopper et maintenir un environnement ducatif o les connaissances et les performances du groupe voluent constamment. Effectuer des valuations annuelles du personnel. Dvelopper et encadrer le personnel grce une communication ouverte, des possibilits de formation et de dveloppement et des processus de gestion du rendement dvelopper et maintenir le moral et la motivation des employs. Soutenir les ventes sur la prsentation des services SOC et des solutions de scurit qui rpondent aux besoins des clients. Comptences et lexprience Les comptences et lexprience suivantes sont obligatoires Baccalaurat BA dun collge ou dune universit de quatre ans en technologie de linformation, en scurit assurance de linformation, en gnie informatique ou dans un domaine dtudes similaire Comprhension approfondie dmontre de la scurit de linformation et de la mise en rseau. Connaissance technique approfondie dmontre de la scurit actuelle du rseau, du matriel rseau, des protocoles et des normes. Capacit diagnostiquer et rsoudre les problmes techniques. Aptitude prendre des dcisions et excuter des activits complexes de rsolution de problmes sous pression. Exprience pralable en gestion et en leadership de projet. Minimum de 7 10 ans dexprience en cyberscurit, y compris une exprience pralable avec les services SOC. Minimum 3 ans dans un poste de direction et de gestion de la scurit, avec une exprience dans llaboration de plans de dveloppement de carrire long terme pour les membres de lquipe tous les niveaux. Rigueur oprationnelle exceptionnelle avec une vaste exprience du monde rel dans les mthodologies et cadres ITIL pour les oprations informatiques. Exprience dans la conception, la mise en uvre et la mesure des facteurs de succs critiques de la gestion de la scurit et de la technologie, des indicateurs de performance cls et des mesures. Capacit crer des horaires de travail pour assurer une couverture 24x7 par le personnel de soutien. Connaissance approfondie des concepts de scurit modernes et comment les appliquer. Exprience de la gestion et du maintien des relations avec les fournisseurs. Certifications souhaites ITIL, CISSP, CISM. Intress ? Vous souhaitez faire passer votre carrire au niveau suprieur? Les candidats intresss doivent soumettre leur CV et lettre de motivation lquipe de recrutement RHEA careersrheagroup.com au plus tard le 14052021.

Tags: des manager operations soc


Renesas updates R-Car V3H SoC with improved deep learning performance for smart camera applications

2021-02-10 10:55:40| Green Car Congress

Tags: performance applications camera learning


Waste Software Company AMCS Obtains SOC 1 Type II Accreditation

2021-01-13 07:00:00| Waste Age

BOSTON -- AMCS, the leading global supplier of integrated software and vehicle technology for the waste, recycling and resource industries, announced today that it has attained SOC I Type II compliance. The accreditation highlights that AMC

Tags: type software company waste


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