Tag: wmd
Contract Manager Data Protection Officer wmd
2021-06-14 10:12:52| Jobs RSS
Telespazio Germany GmbH is the first choice European aerospace company for ICT and engineering solutions and services. We combine 40 years of experience in hightechnology markets, where trust and quality are essential. With more than 400 employees in Germany, we shape the future of aerospace together and beyond. Our staff play a key role in determining our success through their qualifications, motivation, enthusiasm, different cultural backgrounds and their sense of teamwork. We are passionate about delivering exciting Space Programs for and with our customers. Through our large frame contracts with ESOC, EUMETSAT and DLR, we offer a futureoriented and trusting work environment, multicultural teams, as well as challenging jobs on space missions for graduates up until experienced professionals. The Position The Telespazio Germany GmbH Legal and Compliance Division supports the business goals by providing high quality and efficient legal and contractual guidance to promote compliance, reduce risk and liability and optimize contract conditions. We are searching for a fulltime 40hrsweek ambitious Contract Manager looking for a professional environment that values success and provides diverse development opportunities. You will report directly to our Head of Legal and Compliance will collaborate with management teams and stakeholder teams across the business.This role also entails the position as Data Protection Officer 30, reporting to the Head of Support Services and the CEO. The position Contract Manager and Data Protection Officer is based at our Headquarter in Darmstadt. It is fulltime and permanent and expected starting date will be around September 2021. We are looking forward to meeting you! ResponsibilitiesDuties You will be responsible for legal and contractual inputs throughout the lifecycle of a project, starting from proposal preparation to contract closure You will review and analyze incoming sales contracts orders and you will draft contractual documents such as NDAs, Teaming Agreements, subcontracts and other contractual documentation You will contribute to the legal and contractual part of our proposals to customers You will be involved in the legal aspects of product development. You will be part of the Export Control and Trade Compliance organization and support the Export Control Representative in managing the program You will be responsible for the management and administration of all documentation of the department You will be the companys Data Protection Officer QualificationsExperience Completed academic education Law or related field Several years of relevant work experience Very good understanding of legal and contractual terminology in a commercial context Good knowledge of national and international contract law Understanding of risk and liability and possible mitigations Very good knowledge of EU GDPR and Bundesdatenschutzgesetz Essential Skills Very good organizational skills, sense of urgency and setting priorities Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written Fluent in German and English verbal and in writing Advanced MS Office skills Very good negotiation skills Team Player qualities Meticulous attention to detail and ability to handle multiple priorities Flexible and solution focused work style Desirable Skills Interest in the aerospace and defense domains Experience in Export Control Knowledge of IP law Your Benefits of joining us Worklife balance Flexible working hours, home office, sabbatical time off for travelling around the world, extended parental leave, further education, etc., option to work part time Financial benefits Company pension plan, net wage optimisation programme including IT bicycle leasing, discounted annual ticket for public transport, employer loans, etc. Employee recommendation scheme We are grateful when our employees support us in finding new recruits. You will receive a bonus of 1,500 EUR to 3,000 EUR per successful recommendation Relocation support We offer our newcomers a relocation lump sum and support you in finding a suitable new home as well as in finding a school or nursery for your children and much more. Should need be, this can even include support in the search for a job for your partner. Career development For us, further education and training are an essential part of people management, because this is the only way we can achieve our goal, namely a longterm and successful work relationship with you. Would you like to change your professional focus and work on other projects or change geographically? We will support you here as well. Company event and activities We have BBQs, Christmas parties and TGIF Thank God Its Friday events. On top of that, we organise teambuilding events and events internal to departments to promote team spirit. Let us know if you have creative ideas for corporate events or new initiatives that you would like to introduce to our company culture, no matter whether they are of artistic or technical nature. Application Are you equally inspired by our visions and dreams? Get in touch with us today and send us your application! Your HR Contact for this position is Melanie Giesche. Our mail servers are using an antispam module that regularly checks global spam lists. If you are not able to send us an email, it might be because the mail server of your mail provider is listed on one of these lists. We therefore recommend you to use our application form at httpswww.telespazio.dejobs.
Tags: data
Ground Systems and Spacecraft Controller wmd
2021-06-02 19:11:49| Jobs RSS
Telespazio Germany GmbH is the first choice European aerospace company for ICT and engineering solutions and services. We combine 40 years of experience in hightechnology markets, where trust and quality are essential. With more than 400 employees in Germany, we shape the future of aerospace together and beyond. Our staff play a key role in determining our success through their qualifications, motivation, enthusiasm, different cultural backgrounds and their sense of teamwork. The Position The position requires training and certification in two key areas of Spacecraft Operations i.e Ground Systems and the Flight Operation. Although the core team assigned will be Ground Systems Team, the work will be delivered on a rotational basis between these two different areas in two different teams located at the same customer premises. The tasks are delivered in 24 X 7 shift pattern with possible oncall requirements, As a first step, you will train and certify in the area of Ground Systems in the SCC team The core duties will be as below but not limited to Coordination and facilitation of real time spacecraft operation Monitoring and control of software system for such spacecraft operations Monitoring of voice and data circuits Configuration of the event clock Preprocessing of all tracking data Maintenance of an activities and operations log Extract events in log for analysis Anomaly reporting Assistance to Oncall personnel in troubleshooting Reports concerning System Operations Backup. In second step, you will certify in the area of Flight operations in the Geostationary mission operations team. The core duties will be Certification as a spacecraft Controller Supervision of system performance and of automatic service provision to customers Maintenance of actual mission planning data and the mission schedule Monitoring of the health status of all satellites components Monitoring the use of the satellite payload Levell response to anomalies, based on procedures Data collection after anomalies Activation of engineering support if required User Help Desk first Response This position is based at DLR in Oberpfaffenhofen. It is fulltime and permanent and expected starting date will be around July 2021. We are looking forward to meeting you! ResponsibilitiesDuties Strong educational background in Aerospace, Telecommunication or IT related stream Preferably, with an engineering degree but is not a must due to extensive onsite training Proficient user of computer systems Proficient in MS Office suite and preferably with some knowhow of LINUX Knowhow of any programming language, though not necessary, will be considered positively. Fluency in English. Spoken German skills will be appreciated though not required. QualificationsExperience Good communication skill Ability to work with little or no supervision Flexible Problem Solving skills Desirable Skills Due to Security requirements, a security clearance upto Secret may be required. Therefore, only those who have had continuous residence in EU for longer than 5 year need apply. Our offer to you Worklife balance Flexible working hours, home office, sabbatical time off for travelling around the world, extended parental leave, further education, etc., option to work part time Financial benefits Company pension plan, net wage optimisation programme including IT bicycle leasing, discounted annual ticket for public transport, employer loans, etc. Employee recommendation scheme We are grateful when our employees support us in finding new recruits. You will receive a bonus of 1,500 EUR to 3,000 EUR per successful recommendation Relocation support We offer our newcomers a relocation lump sum and support you in finding a suitable new home as well as in finding a school or nursery for your children and much more. Should need be, this can even include support in the search for a job for your partner. Career development For us, further education and training are an essential part of people management, because this is the only way we can achieve our goal, namely a longterm and successful work relationship with you. Would you like to change your professional focus and work on other projects or change geographically? We will support you here as well. Company event and activities We have BBQs, Christmas parties and TGIF Thank God Its Friday events. On top of that, we organise teambuilding events and events internal to departments to promote team spirit. Let us know if you have creative ideas for corporate events or new initiatives that you would like to introduce to our company culture, no matter whether they are of artistic or technical nature. Application Are you equally inspired by our visions and dreams? Get in touch with us today and send us your application! Your HR Contact for this position is Melanie Giesche. We would be glad to hear your feedback about the quality of the above job description, under this Form Candidate Experience it is anonymous and takes less than two minutes. Our mail servers are using an antispam module that regularly checks global spam lists. If you are not able to send us an email, it might be because the mail server of your mail provider is listed on one of these lists. We therefore recommend you to use our application form at httpswww.telespazio.deenjobs.
Tags: systems
C Softwareentwickler fr ATC systems wmd
2021-06-02 11:13:14| Jobs RSS
Wir sind die erste Adresse in der europischen Luft und Raumfahrtindustrie fr softwarezentrierte Entwicklungslsungen. Wir verfgen ber 40 Jahre Erfahrung in einem Markt, in dem Vertrauen und Qualitt unabdingbar sind. Gemeinsam mit mehr als 350 Mitarbeitern in Deutschland gestalten wir die Zukunft der Luft und Raumfahrt und darber hinaus. Unsere Mitarbeiter spielen fr unseren Erfolg die wichtigste Rolle, durch Deine Qualifikation, Motivation, Begeisterung, unterschiedlichen kulturellen Hintergrund und Deinen Sinn fr Zusammenarbeit in einem offenen internationalen Umfeld, in dem wir unsere Werte leben Vertrauen, Integritt, Beteiligung und Neugier. Wir haben uns dem Aufbau eines diversen Umfelds verschrieben und sind stolz darauf, ein Arbeitgeber zu sein, der Chancengleichheit bietet. Alle qualifizierten Bewerber werden gleichermaen, ohne Rcksicht auf Rasse, Hautfarbe, Religion, Geschlecht, sexuelle Orientierung, nationale Herkunft, Genetik, Behinderung, Alter oder Veteranenstatus, bercksichtigt. Wir bieten eine Flle von Leistungen zur Untersttzung einer ausgewogenen WorkLifeBalance, einschlielich, aber nicht beschrnkt auf flexible Arbeitszeiten, mobiles Arbeiten und kontinuierliche Karriereentwicklung. Die Stelle Wir suchen C Softwareentwickler fr die Deutsche Flugsicherung DFS in Langen Frankfurt am Main oder im HomeOffice Deutschlandweit. Du bist mitverantwortlich fr die Entwicklung von Lsungen fr Air Traffic Control ATC Projekte. Dabei bist Du Teil in einem Team, das aus Entwicklern und Testern besteht und bist am gesamten Lebenszyklus der Softwareentwicklung beteiligt. Du solltest in der Lage sein, eigenverantwortlich und selbststndig zu arbeiten. Es handelt sich hierbei um eine unbefristete Vollzeitstelle und startet voraussichtlich im Mai 2021. Wir freuen uns Dich kennenzulernen! Qualifikationen Berufserfahrung Ein Universittsabschluss in Luft und Raumfahrtechnik, Informatik, Mathematik oder Physik Gute Kenntnisse in C Qt 5 WidgetToolkit fr die GUIErstellung Fundierte Kenntnisse in der Entwicklung mit dem Betriebssystem Linux Wesentliche Fhigkeiten Du solltest die Skriptsprache bash beherrschen Du solltest wissen, wie man GNU AutomakeTools zum Erstellen von Software einsetzt CStandardbibliotheken sollten Dir kein Fremdwort sein Wenn Du dich mit Python auskennen, umso besser Gefragt ist auch Anforderungsmanagement mit DOORS Idealerweise verfgst Du ber Kenntnisse im Testen mit dem RobotFramework Verhandlungssicherere Deutschkenntnisse Sehr gute Englischkenntnisse Solltest Du bereits Dokumente mit LaTeX erstellt haben, wre das hilfreich Wenn Du dich mit Wireshark und IPNetzwerkkenntnissen auskennen, wre das phnomenal Perfekt wre es, wenn AdressThreadSanitizerTools zu in Deinem Werkzeugsatz gehren Wnschenswerte Kenntnisse Grundlegende Kenntnisse ber Flugverkehrssysteme Tracker, Towersysteme wren von Vorteil Was wir bieten Work Life Balance Flexible Arbeitszeiten, HomeOffice, Sabbatical Auszeit fr eine Weltreise, verlngerte Elternzeit, Weiterbildung, etc., Mglichkeit auf Teilzeit Finanzielle Leistung Betriebliche Altersvorsorge, NettoLohnOptimierung und IT Fahrrad Leasing, Vergnstigtes Jahresticket fr den ffentlichen Personennahverkehr, ArbeitgeberDarlehen, etc. MitarbeiterEmpfehlungsprogramm Wir freuen uns, wenn Du uns bei der Gewinnung neue Mitarbeiter untersttzen. Sie erhalten eine Prmie von 1.500 EUR bis 3.000 EUR pro erfolgreicher Empfehlung Untersttzung beim Umzug Finanzielle Umzugspauschale und Untersttzung bei der Suche nach einer geeigneten Wohnung oder auch nach einer Schule bzw. eines Kindergartens fr deine Kinder und vieles mehr. Sogar bei der Suche nach einem Job fr deinen Partnerin. Berufliche Weiterentwicklung Weiterbildung und Training sind dabei fr uns ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der Personalfhrung, denn nur so erreichen wir unser Ziel eine langjhrige und erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit mit Dir. Mchtest Du deinen Ttigkeitsschwerpunkt wechseln und andere Projekten oder sich geographisch verndern? Auch hier untersttzen wir Dich. Firmenveranstaltungen und aktivitten SommerBBQs, Weihnachtsfeiern und auch TGIFs Thank God Its Friday. Darber hinaus veranstalten wir weitere TeambuildingEvents und interne Abteilungsfeiern, die den Teamgeist frdern. Du hast kreative Ideen fr Firmenveranstaltungen oder neue Initiativen, sei es knstlerischer oder technischer Natur? Dann lass uns diese wissen. Bewerbung Haben wir Dein Interesse geweckt? Dann sende uns deine Bewerbung. Der Ansprechpartner fr diese Stelle ist Raphael Rossato. Unsere Mailserver verwenden ein AntispamModul, das regelmssig globale SpamListen prft. Wenn Sie uns keine EMail senden knnen, kann dies daran liegen, dass der Mailserver Ihres MailProviders in einer dieser Listen aufgefhrt ist. Wir empfehlen Ihnen daher, unser Bewerbungsformular unter httpswww.telespazio.dejobs zu nutzen.
Cloud Solutions Architect wmd
2021-05-27 10:14:30| Jobs RSS
We are the first choice European aerospace company for software centric engineering solutions. We combine 40 years of experience in a market, where trust and quality are needed. With more than 350 employees in Germany, we shape the future of aerospace and beyond together. Our staff plays a key role for our success through their qualifications, motivation, enthusiasm, different cultural backgrounds and their sense of collaboration in an open international environment living our values trust, integrity, participation and curiosity. We are committed to crafting a diverse environment and is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, colour, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, disability, age, or veteran status. We offer a wealth of benefits to support a balanced work life balance, including but not limited to flexible working hours, mobile working and encouraging career development. The Position This is an opportunity to be part of the shift in thinking in the space sector. You will join an ambitious program revolutionizing how ground segments are built, operated and commercialized. To address the growing commercial new space economy, Telespazio is investing and crafting a complete new platform for the operations of space missions. ENABLE is the worlds first endtoend cloud platform for space operations, allowing for easy, scalable and costefficient management of space assets. Featuring all the required capabilities to design, scale, operate and optimise a mission. We are inventing the next generation of ground software and are looking to hire forwardthinking minds to shape this exciting project with us! See for more information. We are looking for pragmatic problem solvers and innovators, with handson expertise in cloud based solutions, in particular AWS, who want to shape a new initiative from the beginning. Along with a team of talented engineers coming from allover the world, you will lead the cloud architecture, design and develop our ENABLE product. You will help coach our space domain specialists in the efficient usage of cloud environments. You will communicate your innovative ideas and encourage the team to try new approaches, keeping up to date with the newest trends and technologies, propose suggestions and best practices to optimize the platforms performance, security and cost. You will support the design of the new space product. Acting as the cloud and the microservices architecture authority, you will apply cloud environment and serviceoriented architecture principles to define and own the solution architecture, create a wellinformed cloud strategy and administer the adaption process. As a team member you will be directly involved in the product development, via e.g. configuration of AWS services, programming of new cloudnative software, or integration of thirdparty products, following a highly agile process. You will participate, contribute, think and be creative! This position is based at our Head Office in Darmstadt. It is a permanent full time position with the earliest to immediate start date. We are looking forward to meeting you! QualificationsExperience Minimum of Bachelors degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Information Technology, or Electrical Engineering, or in a relevant field 5 years work experience designing, building, executing, and supporting modern IT Cloud based solutions AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, Kubernetes, OpenShift, VMWare AWS Certified Solutions Architect certification Exceptional understanding of cloud computing technologies and recent computing trends and familiarity with enterprise architecture and enterprise application integration Adept knowledge of data modeling best practices and practical knowledge of Agile Software development methodology Experience with CICD Jenkins, CloudFormation Essential Skills Proven expertise on Cloud Engineering, with AWS and Kubernetes Proven skills with modern architecture techniques including microservices and eventdriven architectures Proven knowledge of Docker containers and orchestration platforms Experience crafting and developing cloudnative applications Inventor demeanor and creative personality Desirable Skills Knowledgeable on the fast growing AWS portfolio of services Experience migrating existing applications to a microservices architecture Experience implementing and operating an enterprisescale cloud, including service catalog and service enablement automation Member of the cloud development community and naturally following the latest innovations Your Benefits of joining us By joining the Telespazio family, you will enjoy all the benefits of a competitive salary in a sustainable work environment, flexible working time models, diverse advancement and training possibilities for technical, language and soft skills, a generous holiday package as well as a company pension scheme. Furthermore, we support you with your relocation. Through our wide network, we can also support your partner in finding a job at your new work location. Application Are you equally inspired by our visions and dreams? Get in touch with us today and send us your application! Your HR Contact for this position is Raphael Rossato. We would be glad to hear your feedback about the quality of the above job description, under this Form Candidate Experience it is anonymous and take less than two minutes. Our mail servers are using an antispam module that regularly checks global spam lists. If you are not able to send us an email, it might be because the mail server of your mail provider is listed on one of these lists. We therefore recommend you to use our application form at httpswww.telespazio.dejobs .
Tags: solutions
Linux System Engineer wmd
2021-05-26 13:12:24| Jobs RSS
Wir sind die erste Adresse in der europischen Luft und Raumfahrtindustrie fr softwarezentrierte Entwicklungslsungen. Wir verfgen ber 40 Jahre Erfahrung in einem Markt, in dem Vertrauen und Qualitt unabdingbar sind. Gemeinsam mit mehr als 350 Mitarbeitern in Deutschland gestalten wir die Zukunft der Luft und Raumfahrt und darber hinaus. Unsere Mitarbeiter spielen fr unseren Erfolg die wichtigste Rolle, durch ihre Qualifikation, Motivation, Begeisterung, ihren unterschiedlichen kulturellen Hintergrund und ihren Sinn fr Zusammenarbeit in einem offenen internationalen Umfeld, in dem wir unsere Werte leben Vertrauen, Integritt, Beteiligung und Neugier. Wir haben uns dem Aufbau eines diversen Umfelds verschrieben und sind stolz darauf, ein Arbeitgeber zu sein, der Chancengleichheit bietet. Alle qualifizierten Bewerber werden gleichermaen, ohne Rcksicht auf Rasse, Hautfarbe, Religion, Geschlecht, sexuelle Orientierung, nationale Herkunft, Genetik, Behinderung, Alter oder Veteranenstatus, bercksichtigt. Wir bieten eine Flle von Leistungen zur Untersttzung einer ausgewogenen WorkLifeBalance, einschlielich, aber nicht beschrnkt auf flexible Arbeitszeiten, mobiles Arbeiten und kontinuierliche Karriereentwicklung. Die Stelle Wir suchen einen LinuxIngenieur wmd, der bei der Deutschen Flugsicherung projektspezifische Anpassungen der aktuell eingesetzten LinuxBasislinie verschiedene Flavours durchfhrt. Diese Ttigkeit fllt in den Bereich des Linux Competence and Service Centers LCSC. Du kmmerst dich um Upgrades der bestehenden LinuxPlattformen und bringst Aspekte wie automatisierte Tests auf den neuesten Stand. Des Weiteren fhrst Du Kompatibilittsprfungen bei der Einfhrung von Hardware der neuen Generation durch und implementierst alle erforderlichen Anpassungen. Die Position ist in Langen Raum Frankfurt am Main angesiedelt, aber auch Home Office innerhalb Deutschlands ist mglich. Wir freuen uns darauf, Dich kennenzulernen! Qualifikationen Berufserfahrung Erfahrung in der Verwaltung von LinuxInstallationen Wesentliche Fhigkeiten Ausgezeichnete Kenntnisse in RedHat, CentOS, SLES sind ein Muss fr diese Rolle liegt der Schwerpunkt auf RH7.x Kenntnisse in einer Skriptsprache sind fr diese Ttigkeit erforderlich Puppet, Yaml, Bash oder andere ShellSkriptsprachen Sowohl mit Puppet als auch mit Ansible solltest Du vertraut sein, da beide verwendet werden Paketverwaltung unter RHEL yum, rpm Darber hinaus ist die Kenntnis des RobotTestFrameworks erforderlich Erfahrungen mit den Requirement Engineering Tools MicroFocusApplication Lifecycle Management MFALM werden bentigt Wnschenswerte Kenntnisse Flieend in Deutsch und Englisch Fhigkeit zu eigenverantwortlichem Arbeiten ist gefragt! Du solltest gewillt sein, Dich selbststndig weiterzuentwickeln und Deine Kenntnisse zu vertiefen. Gute Kommunikationsfhigkeiten sind wichtig, ebenso wie Teamfhigkeit Was wir bieten Work Life Balance Flexible Arbeitszeiten, HomeOffice, Sabbatical Auszeit fr eine Weltreise, verlngerte Elternzeit, Weiterbildung, etc., Mglichkeit zur Teilzeitarbeit Finanzielle Leistungen Betriebliche Altersvorsorge, NettoLohnOptimierung und IT Fahrrad Leasing, Vergnstigtes Jahresticket fr den ffentlichen Personennahverkehr, ArbeitgeberDarlehen, etc. MitarbeiterEmpfehlungsprogramm Wir freuen uns, wenn Ihr uns bei der Gewinnung neuer Mitarbeiter untersttzt. Fr jede erfolgreiche Empfehlung erhltst Du eine Prmie von 1.500 EUR bis 3.000 EUR Untersttzung beim Umzug Finanzielle Umzugspauschale und Untersttzung bei der Suche nach einer geeigneten Wohnung oder auch nach einer Schule bzw. eines Kindergartens fr Deine Kinder und vieles mehr. Sogar bei der Suche nach einem Job fr Deinen Partnerin. Berufliche Weiterentwicklung Weiterbildung und Training sind dabei fr uns ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der Personalfhrung, denn nur so erreichen wir unser Ziel eine langjhrige und erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit mit Dir. Du mchtest Deinen Ttigkeitsschwerpunkt wechseln und an anderen Projekten arbeiten oder Dich geographisch verndern? Auch hier untersttzen wir Dich. Firmenveranstaltungen und aktivitten SommerBBQs, Weihnachtsfeiern und auch TGIFs Thank God Its Friday. Darber hinaus veranstalten wir TeambuildingEvents und interne Abteilungsfeiern, zur Frderung des Teamgeistes. Du hast eigene, kreative Ideen fr Firmenveranstaltungen oder neue Initiativen, sei es knstlerischer oder technischer Natur? Dann teile uns diese gerne mit. Bewerbung Haben wir Dein Interesse geweckt? Dann sende uns deine Bewerbung. Der Ansprechpartner fr diese Stelle ist Raphael Rossato.
Tags: system
system engineer
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